
Approaching God… At the Speed of Thought

Audio Archives Library

Read, Listen or Both!

Everyone has a favorite learning method. Some like to read, glancing over an article and/or studying some or all the points raised. For the more enthusiastic, web based reading allows for in depth study via the use of hyperlinks.

Others like to listen, gleaning nuances of meaning from the author's voice and free flowing ideas.

Most of God Blog's Audio Archives were recorded by the sites creator and the developer of Quantum Christianity and Truth Talks.

God Blog is happy to provide over a hundred articles and as many hours of audio on the most vital topics of our time. We hope you find what you're looking forward and perhaps pass it along to family or friends.

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Quantum Christianity

Quantum Christianity is designed to meet the challenge of
correctly understanding and applying the message of scripture to difficult and even seemingly contradictory passages. Many of these have inspired emotionally charged philosophies and doctrines that make factual and friendly discussion problematic.

Doing justice to Biblical passages and topics requires the kind of "mental tools" QC was designed to provide.  These include:

  • Reverence enough to let scripture say what it means and mean what it says.
  • Faith enough to energize one's imagination without going off the deep end.
  • Curiosity enough to examine epic verses and poke around original languages.
  • Humility enough to remember who your betters are.
  • Honesty enough to recognize and respond to our extreme need for God.
  • Desperation enough to ask, seek and knock until insight is given.
  • Love enough to find ways to reveal, rather than conceal, even difficult truths.

Truth Talks

Truth Talks articles and audios deal primarily with abortion and chastity issues. While these topics are often addressed in Quantum Christianity they are investigated in greater detail.

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In both cases companion articles can be found throughout the site by accessing the Menu Sidebar or the Search Site page.

Click a link below to visit an Audio Archive page:


Quantum Christianity

Salvation Series

Seven Prayer Modes

Revival Series

Pro-Life Series

Other Audios