God Blog

Approaching God One Thought At A Time

The fight for the right to life is not the cause of a special few, but the cause of every man, woman and child who cares not only about his or her own family, but the whole family of man.
- Mildred Jefferson

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Modern Proverbs

While aborting over a billion babes in utero continues on in secret, the damage abortion causes to individuals and societies is not so easily hidden. The guilt and therefore the repercussions extend far being the immediate perpetrators. This includes the compliance, if not corruption, of all the great institutions entrusted with safeguarding the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Up to and including abortion's primary goal of marginalizing, if not denigrating, modern Christianity.

Just as 90% of an iceberg is submerged, like abortion itself, it's impact goes unseen. Remember, it was the mountain of ice below that tore the hull, thus sinking the Titanic.

Lord, how you have helped me before! You took me safely from my mother’s womb and brought me through the years of infancy. I have depended upon you since birth; you have always been my God.

- Psalm 22:9-10 TLB

Modern Proverbs
by Robert R. Pennington

What was unimaginable yesterday, like the global aborting of over a billion, is often uninteresting tomorrow.

Abortion's evil, like the nose on our face, is always before us yet constantly ignored.

God gave Adam two simple commands, Keep the Garden and don't eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Jesus gave the Church two great commandments, Love God and Love your Neighbor as yourself.

Isn’t “Jesus wept,” the shortest verse in scripture also the longest? If the death of a single middle aged friend, whom He would momentarily raise, moved Him to drops of tears, surely He weeps still. Can a billion abortions help but produce a deluge? Surely the Trinity sobs and Heaven's soaked in tears over an Earth soaked in innocent blood crying out for a commensurate judgment too bloody to comprehend.

If Jesus entered the grief of those mourning Lazarus, how readily will He enter those who share His mourning?

How important the Pro-life message, how humble it's messengers. “Not many noble…” “Hidden from the wise and prudent…”

What does, “for in Him we live and move and have our being” reveal concerning the manner of our existence? Isn't this hauntingly similar to the description of a child in its mother's womb? A chilling consideration in light of our aborting billions though we've been warned, “do unto others what you would have done unto you.”

The task of the Gospel of Life and Chastity is to remove the plank from our eyes long enough that we might set upon the splinters.

Confronted with the overwhelming Truth of Abortion and our apathetic response from Pastor to Flock we Justify what yesterday was the Unthinkable.

America is founded on the principal that we have each been endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable “Rights” which do not include a right to kill our children in the womb but rather “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for “ourselves and our posterity” all of which abortion currently denies a third to half of America's progeny.

A mother has no, "right to choose" to abort a separate life begun within her. Possessing the ability to kill hardly equates to possessing the right. Even while her child is within her body, dependent on her for life, it is this tiny human being who possess a Right to life. This continues to be true after birth as each newborn dwells in the house of its parents dependent on them for its daily existence.

Romans, 1st century Earth's most powerful people, gathered in the coliseum to watch as martyrs, bound to the stake, were mutilated and destroyed in the name of Caesar and the good of the Empire. Americans, Earth's most powerful people, sip cappuccino listening to media reports of embryos, bound in the petri dish, being mutated and destroyed in the name of Science and the good of Society. In two millennia we've come such a long way not to advance very far.

“Nature Abhors a Vacuum..” Be Pro Life (Caption for poster of Kangaroo in mothers pouch).

Does being far to the Right of the far Left bring one dead Center?

Does being among the Radical of the Extreme Right make one doubly Right?

What relationship does being Right have with being Righteous?

How often we wield the words, “It is Finished!” “Jesus is Victorious” we sing, anticipating sharing his victory while refusing a share of his suffering... Are, “soldiers” who flee the battle appointed a share of the spoils? Will the Lord of Host and Glory open wide the gates of Heaven declaring, “Well done my good and faithful servant” or close them fast demanding, “What have you done, the blood of billions cries to me from the ground! You are AWOL! Were have you been?”

Has Churchianity's withdrawal into vice, various entertainments or even cloistered communities of small groups, seminars and mega church services, (salt in shakers of various design) served ourselves, families, churches or communities? In light of the hundreds of millions of abortions, divorces, addicts to drugs, violence, crime, sexuality, pornography etc... a question begs asking. Is isolationism, retreating from the heat of battle with social evil, producing Doctrinal Purity or Doctrinal Absurdity. ""Do not be overcome by evil. Rather overcome evil with good...”

To truly be Pro-Life is to be Pro-Light, with every Pro-Christ issue a separate wave length and every Godly decision another color of the spectrum.

If, “he who fails to provide for his own household is worse than an infidel and has denied the faith” what of we who have slaughtered a billion through abortion and birth control?

Many that cite God's condition for sparing Sodom, 10 righteous, hope we'll escape condemnation. Are they ignoring several things?
  • 10 could not be found.
  • Sodom and Gomorrah had not a single verse of scripture
  • By Ezekiel 9 even thousands of righteous couldn't save their city from God's Judgment though their sins were far less than ours today. Ezekiel's generation had only a portion of the OT.
  • We have the entire Bible, the fullness of the Spirit, 6,000 years of history and 2,000 years of Christianity!
  • We're aborting 1/3 to 1/2 of our offspring etc...
  • We are 1,000 times more culpable being at least 10 times more blest technologically, 10 times more blest economically and 10 time more wicked.
  • Seeing, "to whom much is given much is required" what might be the Ransom for an American city?

0 America, America, the country that aborts their children and contracepts their offspring. How often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let me. And now look, your house is left to you, empty and desolate. For I tell you this, you must learn to see me in your offspring and say, "Blessed are these made in the image of the Lord!"

On 9/11/02, the first year anniversary of the WTC & Pentagon Bombing, American Flags flew high and were pinned on many a lapel and blouse. How few hearts broke knowing that for each of Old Glory's 50 stars, one million Americans have been Aborted by America...and CA's share? Eleven to Twelve stars.

What's it take to create a living being? How glorious is a single living being? Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting to interpret, enjoy, interact with, populate and cultivate the Earth and Cosmos. How much more the worth of each Man? "Let Us make man in Our image..." "Consider the lilies..." "The body is more than clothes..." "Even when a man has much his life does not consist in the things which he has..."

In light of our aborting over a billion and the details Christ gives concerning the Eternal Judgment one wonders if modern worship is a symphony of wooly white sheep or the bleating of blood soaked goats.

Discovering my apathy and ignorance, and that of my colleagues, concerning abortion's holocaust left me incredulous. Years of strategic attempts to communicate this simplest of truths and its bearing on our most precious faith left me speechless. Thousands of hours of prayer and seeking the Lord as to our present day apostasy has driven me mad. Fighting mad, spitting mad and now cussing mad (likely an unfortunate escalation).

The Bible is replete with direct and indirect pro-life verses such as one written by Jesus' favorite author Isaiah 59:1-7 (see my 150 pro-life passages with explanations at ProlifeScriptures.org). Still far less than a percent of a percent of "the faithful" recognize the abortion's holocaust for half of what it is and act accordingly. Overlooking these passages and entire mega themes of scripture such as mercy, kindness and justice, many do little or nothing to end the slaughter of millions of our most innocent and consummate "neighbors" claiming the Bible is unclear on an appropriate response either personally or collectively.

From my pro-life baptism in an all night prayer meeting, on the 25 anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, it has taken a decade to gather enough Christians to repeat the experience. The first meeting was dedicated solely to the issue; the second majored on revival and minored on abortion. The former was a onetime event, the latter a trifecta thus far. Both had about 10 attendees. The eventual result of the first was a life consuming experience for myself alone. All the original attendee’s have long since ""fallen away"" from a serious pro-life commitment. Only negligible effects thus far from the current project.

Recently the excellent Dr. Sues children's book, “Horton Hears A Who” has been adapted into an even more excellent movie. For decades the pro-life movement has been warning, “A person is a person no matter how small.” Finally all can see for themselves the importance and responsibility of hearing so many tiny souls crying, “We are here! We are here! We are here!”

"n “Horton Hears A Who” the faithful elephant gives his all to save a tiny world. From an eternal perspective, it may be not be the “Whos” but the “yous and me” responsible for abortion's holocaust in need of saving.”

Psalms 127 warns that unless the Lord builds the house and guards the city, efforts on their behalf are in vain. How telling is it that the rest of this short yet poignant Psalm extols the virtue of children in light of our culture's legalized slaughter of hundreds of millions of the pre-born? Consider that hundreds of America’s larger cities may have killed tens if not hundreds of thousands of our “blessings from the Lord.” Is it more likely God has marked such cities for protection or destruction? And what of the churches within them filled with clinically and perhaps contraceptively aborting members and/or those who hardly lift a finger in protest. Here and elsewhere scripture would suggest the only ministries not “in vain” may be those likely to change our status before God as murderous cities and homes.

Clearly homosexuality is the scourge of the earth! Why it's outrageous that in a few decades they've murdered 50 million heterosexuals in America alone! Oh, no wait, that's straight men and women aborting their own children, 70% of who identify themselves as Christians...

Even after hundreds of millions of abortions administered to Christians within Christian nations, not to mention skyrocketing rates of promiscuity, drug abuse, divorce, and pornography among church attendee’s, few have the stomach to call for a biblical examination to see wither or generation is even in the faith. The vast majority are content to equate bouts of sentimentality and the occasional prayer or good deed with saving faith.

A friend of mine was passionately determined to finally get prayer for abortion on the agenda for the "National Day of Prayer." He was overjoyed at getting the okay for "15 seconds of powerful prayer!"

From the point of view of the pre-born, just who is it who prowls around like roaring lions seeking whom they can devour. Mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, judges, doctors, politicians, police, and confessing Christians committing up to 70% of abortions and sins of omission indicting an even greater percentage.

Paul's admission to being the chief of sinners is odd except in this, prior to conversion he seems the most culpable of all God's mighty men. Adam's failure to guard Eden, Noah's drunken nakedness, Abraham reluctance to leave his family, his betrayal of Sarah, and his jumping the gun with Hagar pale in comparison with persecuting "Jesus." Jacob's embezzlement of Esau's blessing, Gideon's doubt, Samson's Delilah, even Saul using David for target practice and consulting with a medium fail to measure up to arresting and imprisoning God's newborn sons and daughters. Yet, though unworthy to be called an Apostle and born out of time, the grace of God labored in him more than all. The greatest revelator since Moses, perhaps his example holds promise for we who generationally, without doubt, hold the record as the chief of sinners.

The defining quality of Pricelessness is... Rarity! True pro-life Christians are too priceless.

The underlying task of the pro-life church is, like Noah, who by faith was warned of things to come was moved by fear to prepare a saving ark and therefore condemned the world and become an heir of righteousness by faith. Only this Ark must survive not a flood of water but of fire that melts the very elements with a fervent heat.

The pro-life movement is like a CSI investigation of the murders of billions, yet not for the sake of justice but mercy seeing the murderers are still on the loose, billions of them.

Interestingly, a Biblical character has never been recorded praying for an ill, wounded or elderly person to die (be taken to heaven) as a means of healing.

History may not only repeats itself but the end may magnify the beginning a billion fold! The first innocent blood of a single person shed by one man cried out to God, Who inquiring of him responsible was mocked, "Am I my brother's keeper?" God Condemned, “What have you done, the voice of your brothers blood cries to me from the ground?” Now, 6,000 years later, the Innocent Blood of a Billion decry our rationalizing like Cain, “Am I my brother's child’s keeper?” Can God respond differently to us? We, to whom He's given so much more and who should know so much better, than Cain? Will we be Cursed from the face of the Earth, cursed to become fugitives and vagabonds in the Earth? Cain was marked by God that he would not be prematurely killed. Might another MARK await our generation?

Many are hoping to hear Jesus commend, "Well done my good and faithful servant," yet might many not rather hear Him condemn, "What have you done, the voice of your brothers blood cries to me from the ground?" Jesus warned whatsoever we have done or failed to do to the least of these my brothers we've done to or for Him... If we are "Able to Respond" will He Hold Us "Response Able."

What an amazing yet fearful pro-life chapter Esther 4. Mordecai discerns the plot (before 30 years of daily destruction). He publicly tears his clothing and cries out (instead of 30 years of public apathy or antagonism). He refuses to exchange his shredded clothes with new clothes from the Queen (churchianity's garment of praise). He warns Esther though she be the Bride of the King and lives in the King's palace (Christians in the Church) her fortune was for such a time as this (Salvation for deliverance of others). Should she fail to risk everything (carry Cross) salvation (heaven for Billions of babies) will come from another source (Christ's justice) though she and her household will be judged and destroyed (perhaps not immediately but certainly).

How few the Mordecais and/or Esther even after over 30 years of the daily murder of as many as 300,000. To this day 40% of Christians refuse to even register to vote much less fast, pray or risk something much less everything.

Some have noted many similarities between the disaster of the Titanic and the present course and likely fate of Western Christianity. A fraction of a percent of these have observed is the color of our impending iceberg is crimson, being comprised of the blood of aborted billions.

If abortion is the iceberg that will tear the hull of the unsinkable Western church, surgical is the sliver seen and contraceptive the unseen mountain waiting to sink us.

If David's numbering God's people necessitated God taking the lives of 70,000 of the children of Israel, what will His people taking the lives of hundreds of millions of His children necessitate?

Abortion: Earth's trash is heaven's treasure: Mark 16:62 “Are you human, a person, a child of God?” “Yes, I am, and you'll see it yourself: a billion of us filling heaven protected by the right hand of the Mighty One arriving on the clouds of heaven.”

As the preeminent sin of mankind, both quantitatively and qualitatively, abortion is a microcosm worth study. If, as most behave, sin is in the eye of the beholder, magnification of our view may significantly change things.

Consider old world child sacrifice vs. modern abortion. Western culture's outrage of the inhumanity of human sacrifice effectively banned such practices. Amazingly, this same culture embraces and exports abortion world wide. Why the disparity? A major reason is the perceived level of inhumanity. Our eyes easily behold the results of post- natal human murder with revolution and empathy. Modern pre-natal equivalent practices are more hidden from view by the nature of the procedure, those promoting and profiting by it and our reluctance to face the truth.

A similar factor of the perceived level of inhumanity is present when judging the difference between surgical and contraceptive abortion. Again, the aftermath of aborting within the first week of conception is deceptively faint. Ignorance of such knowledge is easily claimed and nearly always true. Yet, as with surgical abortion, the quantity and quality of this evil act demands informed judgment. As researchers developing such science separate cell and molecule society must sharpen its view to judge the implications of such advances rightly.

Is abortion more or less murder than killing a post-natal human? Is dismembering a child more or less heinous than murdering an adult? Is contraceptive abortion more or less murder than surgical abortion? Is our appetite to destroy human life (through “pharmaceuticals” translated “Sorcery” in Greek) within hours of God's creating it a factor? Why have occult sacrifices always thirsted for the youngest most innocent blood?

Birth control pills (BCP) are used by 17 million Americans and 70 million world wide. These may cause between 10-30 thousand U.S. micro abortions daily and as many as 120 thousand globally. Researchers developing abortifacient contraceptives (BCP, IUD's etc.) have destroyed more human lives than those of Los Alamos. And that without a cause.

By the 1st week of the 2nd War with Iraq, in the aftermath of thousands of bombing sorties in the unleashing of operation, "Shock and Awe," Allied casualties were on the minds and lips of millions in the States. Their total? Less than 50... On the home front, during that same week, 70,000 to 200,000 Americans were killed with hardly an empathetic sigh... These U.S. dead were not trained and equipped soldiers invading a sovereign nation, but the tinniest most innocent babies forming in their mother's womb. Nor were they killed by militant, howbeit misguided Iraqi troops, but by an army of their parents and leaders of ""One Nation Under God"" whom He had entrusted their care and well being to.

Telling Western Christianity will defend the confirmation of heavenly citizenship to Every believer from the Moment of Conversion yet largely fails to defend full human citizenship to Half Our Children from the Moment of Conception.

When abortion takes a conceived life is it murder? Late term surgical abortions clearly are but what of 1st trimester and even contraceptive abortions? Are today's supermarkets, homes and churches packed with murderers, even serial killers? Are our spouses and you and I among them? If killers clog the pews, what's the ramifications for us, the Church? "The way we know we've been transferred from death to life is that we love our brothers and sisters. Anyone who doesn't love is as good as dead. Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know very well that eternal life and murder don't go together." 1 John 3:14-15

Can murderers inherit eternal life? If so, how? By taking a minute, or an hour or two, and personalizing the four spiritual laws? Is this the answer Jesus gives in the story, not parable, of the Good Samaritan? What if we clean up most of our lifestyles? "You can't pick and choose in these things, specializing in keeping one or two things in God's law and ignoring others. The same God who said, "Don't commit adultery," also said, "Don't murder." If you don't commit adultery but go ahead and murder, do you think your non-adultery will cancel out your murder? No, you're a murderer, period." James 2:10-11"

What if you've never, or hope you've never, been the primary cause of an abortion? How many neighbors deaths by abortions would demand a true Christian's FULL involvement? A thousand, not enough? A million, still not? A billion and counting? Would our silence or apathy be a secondary cause making all but pro-life activists accomplices? "Rescue the perishing; don't hesitate to step in and help. If you say, ‘Hey, that's none of my business,’ will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know- Someone not impressed with weak excuses." Proverbs 24:11

Imagine modern worshipers, afloat in an immense swelling sea. Picture a Christian throng of hundreds of millions, adrift, all treading water and lifting hands, reaching out in faith for heaven's rescue. Hear their songs praising God for His blessings, celebrating their being washed clean by Christ's atonement and confessing their perfect standing before God, the Righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth. Now see these, nearly to an individual either unaware or untroubled that they're awash in an ocean, which from its depths too it's mountainous waves, is a sea of blood. Not the blood of the Lamb, of whom they hope, but of a thousand million of His aborted brothers and sisters! Who are these? A billion of the Earth's tiniest martyrs, along with the Church's own sons and daughters, whom even we believers, by commission and omission, continue to murder!

America's modern conciliation movement, particularly ethnically, is interesting. National ministries like "Promise Keepers" seek to reconcile husbands to wives and father's to their children. Even calls for repenting over slavery from past generations are offered from the lips of we have aborted half this generation with little or no mention of it.

Modern intercessors, self anointed prophets and pastor/teachers often have amazing insights into the minutia of Biblical persons and stories. Yet how few, "seers" see the implication of abortion's holocaust of half our World.

The Church of America prays, praises, quotes scriptures and speaks to each other so tenderly. Most have long been baptized into the waters of the seeker-friendly movement. Telling such tender hearts largely ignore the pro-life movement.

Odd that so many bind demons and even the Devil, who, "prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" while feeding them half our offspring (Latin: fetus) through contraceptive and sometimes even surgical abortion.

Tens of millions of American Christians profess to be pro-life. Strange then you can count on the fingers of one hand the sidewalk counselors before most abortion clinics, even on Saturdays. What's more, for every hundred of these, perhaps one will take this issue of contraceptive abortion before the Church, among whom as many if not more abortions take place daily.

How might Jesus have spoken His message of Luke 12 to America? “Then He also said to the multitudes, ‘Whenever you see a cloud rising out of the west (around the Globe with Satellite imagery), immediately you say, 'A shower is coming'; and so it is. And when you see the south wind blow (track hurricanes for TV storm warnings), you say, 'There will be hot weather'; and there is. Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, (predict asteroids collisions on Jupiter) but how is it you do not discern this time (fail to recognize your slaughtering half your children) Yes, and why, even of yourselves, do you not judge what is right? When you go with your adversary (Kinsmen Avenger of Innocent blood) to the magistrate, make every effort along the way to settle with him, lest he drag you to the judge (Great White Throne), the judge deliver you to the officer (God's holy angles), and the officer throw you into prison (Lake of Fire). ""I tell you, you shall not depart from there till you have paid the very last mite (where they are tormented day and night forever and ever).”

If the Devil could design a sin to inhibit revival what would it look like? Might he repackage the vilest act of human history, a sin guaranteed to bring God's wrath, rather than His mercy, to any people practicing or even permitting such devilry. Could such a "designer sin" be so cunningly market by modern wisdom as to appear a inalienable individual and family right ? Readily available in many varieties, might even those opposed fail to recognize its most subtle yet widely used form? What if the sure antihistamine against revival were as simple and certain as swallowing a pill?"

Today I was present at the 2nd most infamous place on the greatest day of infamy in human history. I was 1 of less than 1,000 of California's 30 million in Sacramento on the 30th memorial of Roe vs. Wade.

On the Silver Anniversary of Roe, 5 years prior, I attended my first Right to Life event. Out of Fresno County's residency of a million, perhaps 10 attended RTL's all night prayer meeting. Of those only two, a friend I had brought and myself, were ordained ministers, neither of us having a pastorate. Afterwards, my friend drove to an abortion clinic to pray, excitedly calling me from his cell phone to discuss the passion he felt being their. It was a year before I felt ready to become a sidewalk counselor, going nearly 100 times to warn and beg 25 girls a day to spare their children as their mothers had spared them. 1 of 25 usually listened. During the next 2 years I never saw a fellow minister there, though one I worked on for years goes now every other Saturday. As for me, a couple years after that prayer meeting I became director of RTL in Fresno/Madera, averaging 70-100 hrs a week in service to the Gospel of Life. Interestingly, my friend who stood vigil with me on that night of prayer and visited the clinic a year before me never returned nor has significantly joined the pro-life movement.

Why has America tolerated the aborting of 1/3 to 1/2 their children? "Freedom of Choice" is too terrible to contemplate. Why is the church, and even the pro-life movement, so powerless, unable to even ban partial birth abortion? The choke hold of Pro-abortion advocates is too great to face. Pro-life advocates count success one individual at a time while the abortion industry (is their a pro-life "industry") measure theirs in the hundreds of thousands.

Odd that the Western Church labors to birth converts into the Kingdom while we abort half our generation and loosing 9/10 of our youth to the World by college graduation.

If "Contraceptive Abortion" through abortifacients is a reality, then perhaps as often as 32,000 times a day in the US alone, a moment of violence yields instantaneous glory and eternal life to abortion's victim while yielding lifelong shame and a likely death sentence of everlasting torment to the victimizers. Particularly dreadful is that 9/10's of the couples in this figure are unaware of either having murdered their days old offspring or God's scriptural condemnation against such villainy. So much for Modern Enlightenment in the age of science and knowledge.

Typical break out sessions at a modern youth conferences include topics like, "extreme camping." Could anything be more incredulous than such "hot topics" offered to 1st century Christians in the midst of parents and children being fed to lions in the coliseum? Yes, seminars to 21st century Christian who, through chemical contraceptive and/or surgical abortions, feeding their own children to Satan, ""who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour."

My pro-life/pro-chastity multi-media peer presenter youth group was in demand 50 times in their first 5 week. Called CA Life (California Life) Phonetically "See A Life." Teens, armed with an awesome PowerPoint presentation, have astounded 25,000 Jr., Sr. High and College youth in just a few years!

If Moses needed Aaron to speak to Egyptian Jews who should the church's spokesman be to such a generation of youth? CA Life! Might Moses rod be our peer driven multimedia presentation?

While God's army cowed in fear, who slew Goliath? A teen...

It took an army of adults to defeat the Philistines but who led the charge? A teen "One shot one kill" and enough stones for the brother's Gath, but who slung the sling? A teen.

King's armor left, carcasses of Lions and Bears to the right, who trained in secret to become the world's greatest warrior-king? A home schooled teen.

Claiming to love God whom we can't see we neglect, abuse and even murder (Abort) our brothers whom we can. Were this not forbidden, not to mention impossible, still this would be no cross. As important as the Vertical beam of devotion to God is, without the Horizontal beam of love for each other, we turn a cross into merely a post.

Today's newlyweds are twice the age of their past counterparts, suffer a tenth their labor while enjoying pleasures a hundred fold. Refusing rescue or even a lifeline, a billion are drowning in the raging sea of "sexual freedom" gurgling, ""Choice, choice, cho...""

“Choice” is merely a construct of time.

Viewing Christ's story of the Good Samaritan specifically in light of abortion, might the priest and Levite be the catholic and Protestant church effectively ignoring the issue. Worse still, the murderous thieves would be we who've aborted, including Christians aborting through chemical contraception! Fearful story recognizing that our Lord's comments were occasioned by the question, "How can I get to heaven!" Failing to suffer our children to come unto Him, are we aborting our eternal lives?

Both sinned but it was Eve who was deceived, not Adam. So it seems today with Western Womanhood's Entitlement issues. This diagnosis is all the more curious and certain given their aborting of 1/3 to 1/2 their offspring.

The Church, like firemen, "Rescue" sinners by Living Water. Yet how many perish, both those needing rescue and rescuer's, engulfed in flame for want of pressure? Could surgically and chemically aborting billion(s) have kinked our hose?

Isn't Contraceptive Abortion the "Tree of Death" from which the "fruit" of Surgical Abortion grows? Should we pick at the fruit or lay our axe to the root?

In a large enough church, Christian's may abort more chemically than many clinics surgically, under the banner of a Christian couples "right to choose." Perhaps new names are in order like ""The First Church of Choice" or "Christian Choice Assembly?

Can Protestant Pastors afford to learn and teach the truth of contraceptive abortion if they're "not without this sin?" Priests have less to fear yet rarely address this issue. Neither seem able to welcome Malachi 2 & 4's "finding the cause" for Christianity's failure while proclaiming the Gospel of Positivism.

Satan moved Pharaoh to slaughter Hebrew Baby boys nearly destroying Moses... Satan moved Herod to slaughter the innocent to destroy Jesus... Satan moved America to slaughter the Pre-Born to destroy...? The Body of Christ for its apathy and even cooperation.

As with Saul who in misguided ravenous zeal persecuted Christ, may abortionists be knocked of their high horse and become apostles of Life!

If Ananias would have laid hands on Saul without power evangelism, instead of baptizing Paul he'd been wet, in Jail or worse.

Since Jesus' betrayal He's largely taken a Gentile Bride. Yet hasn't this generation multiplied the Jews betrayal a thousand fold? They put Christ to death but we a billion of his least brothers. They to fulfill the Scriptures that cannot be broken but we to fulfill our Lusts that cannot be quenched...

Protestants, particularly US teens, flock to Mexico to witness and even build orphanages. Odd that a people who Abort 1/3 to 1/2 their children should evangelize those who bare theirs. As the World's least thankful most entitled culture meets its reverse image, which is more in need of seeing the Gospel's Light of Mercy? Mexico, eyes pierced with slivers of poverty, or Plank Eyed U.S.A.?

Many of the Western Church's best, those of superior character than I, remain willfully unaware and practically unconcerned over their culture's abortion of half their children and the church's of a third of hers? "In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, ‘I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.’ All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him."

As for the importance of Actively being Pro-Life vs. declaring "Doctrinal Purity," let the denomination without This Sin cast the first stone.

If Wise men were paying attention I'd never been chosen for this crucial work.

How often the Most Discerning parts of the Body of Christ's, those claiming to be it's Eyes and Ears, remain Blind and Deaf to the Plight of A Billion Aborted?

Which 3 vegetables most describe Western civilization? Potatoes, corn and artichokes. Why? Having eyes we don't see, ears we don't hear and hearts we don't perceive. Is this true of even the Church? Isaiah, Christ and Paul said so…

Is the pro-life movement ministry or social cause? Does light move as a wave or particle? The answer is Quantum: Both at the Same time.
If murderers broke into your home and were tearing you limb from limb, and a good neighbor began coming to your rescue, would you raise objections as to theological differences or prayers for his success.

Is Pro-Life the whole gospel? Most would not think so. In fact, only a few see the myriads of scriptures explicitly or implicitly pro-life. Even so, one might ask is marriage to foreign wives the whole Law and Prophets? Few would think so. One then wonders at Ezra's response to this "side issue." (Ezra 9 & 10)

Extreme emphasis is placed on Doctrine today, a day of extreme sinful behavior unparalleled in history. Doctrine may indeed undo us. Some cry Catholics worship Mary and keep idols. Others that Dispensationalist's blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Most, including Charismatic's use of chemical contraception "pharmaka" may be sorcery and condemn us as worse than infidels. Some Messianic Jews warn we all are celebrating pagan holidays. Yet few of any of these are seriously pro-life. Who then will be saved by doctrine?

Proudly, the theologically correct welcome one another with "Happy Resurrection Day" on Easter. Oddly, most of these join society in refusing to welcome 1/3 to 1/2 their own offspring, often practicing chemical or contraceptive, if not surgical, abortion. Rev 9:20-21 But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. 21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries (Grk-Pharmakeo) or their sexual immorality or their thefts.

Isn't Doctrine a highway to action, a freeway of Faith working by love?

RLCCF/M has 50 Executive and Advisory Board Members of which 1, a pro-life lawyer, is a Mormon. This has been likened to Achin's gold under his tent. Perhaps, yet those asserting such are rarely actively pro-life and one wonders how they will explain the innocent blood of a billion aborted (Jesus' least brethren) under the Church's tent?

While hoisting the banner of "purer" doctrine, have we become the wickedest generation, like the Jews of Jesus' day of whom He warns ""that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. "Assuredly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation. Matt 23:35-36

How do we know the doctrine of the Jews was impure and without eternal life? By their rejection and murder of the Author of Life. Did all the Jews crucify Christ? No, yet only a handful stood with Him. Might our judgment on their doctrine be as telling on ours, seeing we've rejected and aborted a billion of His brethren?

If it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man enter heaven, how hard is it for a city of slaughter (aborting its children) to become a city of refuge...

The Sanctity of Human Life is not the Greatest Truth but the Least. Yet, having so profaned and destroyed the least, how can we be trusted with Greater?

How Beautifully the Church Snores while 9/10's of humanity perishes and 1/2 are Aborted daily...Matt. 15: 3 He answered and said to them, "Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? For God commanded, saying, 'Honor your father and your mother'; and, 'He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death. But you say, 'Whoever says to his father or mother, "Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God then he need not honor his father or mother. Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition. Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” Is Jesus so Livid about the mistreatment of parents that He Indicts even His People's Worship as Vain? Is He saying, "well done" to our New, Beautiful Songs of Praise and Power Point Worship or is He Undone by the Chorus of Hundreds of Millions of Silent Screams We refuse to Hear?

If we fail to embrace the “Gospel of Life” what Gospel have we embraced? Have we embraced 1st century Christianity or 21st century Churchianity?

Consider this passage in light of abortion: Matt 15:7 Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition. "Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: 'These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And they honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ Then His disciples came and said to Him, Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying? But He answered and said, Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch ...those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. All 7 present in Abortion: "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man."

Not since Golgotha has man erred so gravely! There for 3 days lay Christ... The Firstborn of many brethren, one death bringing Salvation. Today for 3 decades lay Christ again... In His unborn brethren, a billion deaths bringing Judgment.

Some of the kindest, knowledgeable and dedicated of Christians have made the murder of a billion babies little more than an interesting topic of debate, and then only infrequently, fearing negativity or to rain on the church's parade.

Of the few who agree all genocides taken together pail before our current levels of aborticide, most continue to justify the Churches apathy. Yet Christians could have ended this from day 1. Thousands in each city could simply pass a morning pleasantly fellowshipping in front of their clinic doors, passively blocking their entrance. With 40,000 to 100,000 professing believers in many US cities, a rotation schedule of once a month would be more than enough. Quickly and easily American's and the world's most horrendous holocaust could have been aborted. Instead apathy gave birth to reasoning for rejecting such a simple and inexpensive option. Justifications abound but are there 10,500 good ones and a new one every day?

The pro-life message of coming out of gross darkness and judgment and into in the safety and light of practicing love of ones least neighbor is “Good News.”

Without confession, contrition and acts of repentance, the Hidden Holocaust continues as does spiritual stillbirth and abortion of a generation of murderers and accomplices before and after the fact.

John 3:16-22, as so many scriptures, perfectly extols the Gospel of Life. Their message of Forgiveness, not Condemnation, requires coming into the light. "Believing" the light has come has never been enough, evil men as well demons "believe" in the light yet remain condemned. John continues his thought in 1 John 1:5-7 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

Following the Money Trail usually leads to motive. Yet to forward their agenda socially deconstructionists forgo fortunes. Example: an abortion yields hundreds of dollars while a birth thousands.

Humanity knows little of unity. From Eve and then Adam's separate temptation and subsequent fall; to divorce's rending millions of families; to Abortion's tearing a billion babies from their mother's womb. Failure to realize the power of the cherished ideal
United We Stand" has bereft mankind, leaving us only an eternal requiem of "Divided We Fall."

If Martial "Arts," particularly Akido, Judo, Jujistu…are truly art forms, then so is being truly Pro-Life among Christians.

Paul, by the Holy Spirit, found it fitting to first preach the Gospel of Life to the Jew, who “judged themselves unworthy of eternal life” and so turned to the Gentiles. Considering our apathy as to the Sanctity of Human Life, as in the Church's beginning, so too may be it's end. One wonders to whom He will now turn? Perhaps the LDS for a committed Church? Muslims, for another harvest? The Jew, for life from the dead?

In light of Modern Christianity's Aborting and Contracepting away 1/2 our families, re-evaluating our doctrinal pride may be in order. Example: Mormons being the most pro-life, pro-family sect remain largely ostracized by Catholic and Protestants alike. In all fairness to Walter Martin's "Kingdom of the Cults," might we admit we may need look to up to look down on such.

I doubt more the actual body and blood of Christ is present in the Eucharist than in our sewers transubstantiated by abortionist and dispensed through the cup of their abortuary's drains.

That Western Christianity's indifference on a plethora of issues defies description is perhaps never so apparent as each proceeding anniversary or Roe vs. Wade. Judging by our response, or lack thereof, it's relegated to a non event. Yet with 50,000,000 silent screams ringing in their Creators ears, might January 22 mark the headstone of the Main event of our time, with Billions of silent spectators judged guilty and near to being sentenced to Eternal suffering on the charge of Ruthless Apathy?

By integrating many Pagan Traditions, Christianity is Twice the Jewish Stumbling Block Prophesied. Though Reprehensible, might this be Israel's reaping arrogant seeds of nationalism sown during the dispensation of Abraham to John the Baptist, Failing to be, "a Light to the Gentiles," while forgetting even their beloved Temple was christened, "a House of Prayer for the Nations!" If this desolation is our Elder Brother's just harvest for having profaned the honor of so Great a Commission (Esau and Birthright) what fate awaits we the engrafted, "Wild Olive Branch" having murdered a billion of its "Buds," thereby fail to produce the good fruit required by the Husbandman. And this, all the while forgetting the costly lesson of the Natural Branch's being plucked out for its shedding of innocent blood.

That God's mercies are new every morning is clearly true on a myriad of levels. One is, as the Spirit peals back layers of deception we understand how His Mercies are newly understood by us.

Given the charismatic movement's apathy towards the rain of fire Abortion has called down on a billion of the Lord's "least brethren," one wonders if we, "know not what spirit" we are of?

Don't we Fear and Desire all the wrong things. Don't we often run from what we ought to run towards and to what we aught to run from? How dare we declare what we aught to decry (i.e.: our undying love for God while refusing to die to self all the while in love with His enemy the World)? Why do we gather to lift "holy" hands in amplified praise without lifting a finger to stop the flushing the 1/3 of our offspring down drains or harvesting their organs to the cry of their silent screams?

Yesterday, Christendom's spreading influence was responsible for restraining and ending human sacrifice throughout the World! Today, these same nations spread another gospel, having discipled the world to heap up and consume our offspring, ending a Billion human lives on demonic alters (James 3:13 - 18) of unrestrained appetites.

Matriarchy has taken such root that Christian men bash each other in oblation to the goddess of feminism without women even present; from large groups like Promise Keepers to groups of one or two. Elevating emoting beyond an art form to a religion, today's average Christian male pays homage to the superior intuitive prowess of today's woman and their enviable interpersonal sensitivity (ignoring that today's Christian woman, on average, dress less modestly than yesterday's prostitute, has aborted and/or contracepted 1/2 her offspring, abdicated the raising of her surviving children to profane schools and vile TV, only to drag her husband to counselors or the divorce court citing entitlement issues. Scripturally, the only character logical traits in which wives excel their husband's is weakness (Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered... For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control).

Why has God's sovereignty allowed abortion? If not permanently overthrown, and name a single sin that has, what will its progeny be? In 1973 Malachi's cursed blessings germinated from 1950's practice of birth control, yielding, on a new order of magnitude, the fruit of death (James1:13-16 Let no one say when he is tempted, ""I am tempted by God""; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren). (Galatians 6:7-8 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life) (Hosea 8:7 They sow the wind, And reap the whirlwind)"

The greatest example of Repentance I've seen is that of a woman named Eloise. A dedicated senior citizen, a Christian of nearly two decades, as a street preacher she serves gladly where few Pastors ever pass much less pause. Before becoming a Christian she had given birth to 6 children but aborted her last pregnancy because of difficult circumstances. Over 20 years later she has weekly stood as a sidewalk counselor at an major local Abortuary (1 of 5 in a county of 1,000,000), reasoning through tears, confessing her sin to moms and dads, aunts and uncles, grandparents, 'friends and lovers' pleading and praying that they would chose life and trust God.

Some criticize Godly old King Hezekiah as uncaring as to the future of the next generation, so long as he would spend his days in peace. Aren't we the more culpable who, in exchange for pleasing lifestyles, allow the abortion of a 1/4 of our offspring as a 1/4 more are sacrificed on the Alter of a "couples right to choose..." birth control?

God's meteoric wrath as a mountain on fire revealing a sea a third turned to blood (about abortions holocaust (minus abortifacients).

Prior to CA Prop. 85 vote: Win or loose it will likely be the consummation of a very quantum experience for me. With no current prospects to continue in this most vital mission, even winning may spell the end of my career. I am rejoicing at the many accomplishments we've already had. Some even historic. These are tempered, however, with an equal number of disappointments. Very quantum. It's seems, from this moment in time, a little like being forced, by your own crew, to walking the plank. And that, after your greatest success as a commander. I'm hoping, by my final step, to find a quantum singularity to my liking.

A small percentage of Christians opt out of Halloween. Some of these have rebaptized the holiday as Harvest Festival. Fewer still understand the dark history of the original tradition or Catholicism's reasoning behind “all saints day.” A tiny fraction of these mark Halloween's coming with prayer, fasting and corporate repentance. This may be the greatest ""trick"" of all, seeing the one day on the calendar we offer "treats" freely to children is when we entice them to dress as ghoulish friends of the "prowling lion seeking whom he may devour."

Given the vast majority of our children falling to our Adversary, one might almost think we dress them up in costumes resembling his prey and marked them with fresh blood (as Romans did to the children of the martyrs in the coliseum). Actually, given the modern realities of unrestricted soft and hard porn and horror movies available to anyone, anywhere at anytime all accentuated during the Halloween season, as well as the innocent blood of a billion abortions marking this generation, we may be doing just that. If this is true, whom do 21st century parents, Christian or no, more closely resemble? 1st century martyrs or the Romans officials or spectators offering innocent children to feed the beasts?

Every 7 years Halloween is celebrated a week prior to Election Tuesday. Given the legitimized slaughter of 50,000,000 U.S. babies in the womb, for the Christian mindful of God's immanent judgment, I wonder which Tuesday should bring more consternation?

"My principal motivation in approaching God through seeking the best for others has been the fear of the Lord. Second to this has been a still small voice, searching yet condemning in it's whisper, "is that how much you care?"

Jesus called healing the sick "the children's bread." Perhaps He will return this cherished gift should the church return to cherishing His greater gift, their children.

During the First Church Council of Jerusalem the Apostles and Elders, led by James, reduce Gentile adherence to all of Jewish tradition (hundreds of Old Testament and extra-biblical commands) to ""four necessary things."" Abstaining from things offered to idols, blood, things strangled (unbleed) and sexual immorality. Notice two of the four deal with the "holiness" of blood (rather than health issues in which the list would be much longer). How then shall our 21st Century 1st World Gentile church escape judgment being guilty of shedding the innocent blood of hundreds of millions of our own offspring through abortion? Which, by the way, is most often the ""remedy"" for pregnancies or fear of them, produced by sexual immortality, making abortion a violation of three out of four of the Council's injunctions (if not all four and many more).

After his conversion, James as the half brother of Christ became the head of the Jerusalem church, the seat of decision making for early Christianity. This is seen in his rendering the verdict in the question of Gentile converts adopting Jewish customs. James also authors the most practical and demanding of the New Testament epistles. Arguably he appears to be the de facto leader of the early church, Catholic tradition notwithstanding. As such James summarizes Christianity in two clear and simple mandates, as did Christ before him through giving His two great commandments. Care for most needy, widows and orphans being the most disposable of human beings (slaves being the equivalent of modern technology and thus being indispensable) and holiness (keeping oneself unspotted by the world). Telling that he reverses Jesus' order of the two greatest commandments. Perhaps living with Christ as his elder brother for three decades had taught James that loving God is first and foremost demonstrated by loving the people He has made and sacrificed Himself to redeem. This begs the question who are the modern equivalent of widows and orphans? Clearly aborting over a billion pre-born makes them the most dispensable human beings, particularly in 1st World Nations. Have we neglected the first and most important half of James' command, not to mention personal holiness? If so will modern efforts of now and then painting a widows house or mowing her lawn cut it?

The Apostle Paul warns that something as simple as dragging a brother to court is a sign that the church is "completely defeated already." If so, what does clinically aborting 50 million of our "preborn brothers" indicate?

If abortion is murdering the most innocent and Christ's identification with the afflictions of the least is complete, does Churchianity's compliance with or participation in this sin equal or even exceed that of the Sanhedrin's betrayal and murder of Jesus? Perhaps, but who could imagine them singing such intimate songs of love and devotion all the while?

Psalms 46:9 "He makes war cease to the end of the earth." Ten tiny words that literary spell life or death to millions, even billions, from abortions’ war on the pre-born to genocide to nuclear holocaust. Too few obey the command "be still, and know that I am God" in pursuit of world peace. Too few invest heavily in waiting before the Lord that He might "be exalted among the nations." Such vital prayer seems to have been relegated by Western Christianity to beauty pageant contestants and the Dali Lama.

Curious the liberal media in America happily features black gospel singing on their broadcasts. Even those nursed on the breast of Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood, which was created to, and has successfully murdered millions of black babies in the womb. Spirituals are apparently so from being spiritual as pose no threat as salt and light to the pro-abortion humanistic hedonism agenda. In fact, its form of Godliness is so devoid of power it simply adds color to their rainbow coalition while striking a spiritual cord.

Circumventing Churchianity's defenses against the cry of abortion's blood guiltness is more like breaching walls than doors. Not thin walls, like those of a house but fortified ones, as thick as they are high. Walls built on foundations of entitlement, crafted of hewn stones of worldliness and reinforced with rods of apathy. Walls mortared with a mixture of biblical promises and human philosophy. Walls artfully designed and skillfully erected to awe and inspire. Walls wonderfully inscribed with hope and the promise of "peace, peace." Walls resounding from within with the most beautiful and intimate worship melodies ever composed. Walls so glorious as to captivate modern disciples as those of Herod's temple did Christ's first. But ""let him who can hear"" listen carefully and you can almost make out a mournful whisper in the wind, ""I tell you the truth, not one stone will be left here upon another that shall not be cast down..."

Ordained a Protest minister, I am doubtful of Catholicism's claims regarding transubstantiation. I would be more willing to embrace the notion were their priests half as concerned with the spilt blood of a billion of Jesus' pre-born least brothers, as they are with the possibility of spilling a single drop of wine. Even so, the Catholic pope was 100 times more a pro-life activist than our Billy Graham and Rick Warren combined.

Hebrews 10 warns there is little or no hope for those who trample on Jesus, treating the blood of Christ as common and insult the Spirit of grace. How might God view modern society's crushing underfoot millions and billions of the pre-born, treating the blood of Christ's least brothers as common and insulting the Spirit by shredding His little ones as He's knitting them together in their mother's womb?

Is it spiritual or carnal to speak of being born again to those unwilling to allow half their children to be born at all?

What might Christ’s warning that He experiences personally what we do or fail to do for the “least” imply? Might the glorified and resurrected Christ, who’s appearance nearly killed the “disciple whom Jesus loved” John the Revelator feel pain? If so how and to what end?

Imagine awaking to heaven never knowing the sorrows, fears and failures of Earth. Never facing the terrors of sickness and death. Never at risk of hell’s torments. Continually encompassed by blessing and the blessed. How fortunate Earth’s children who never were.

Admittedly I lack Jesus' cross, Paul's scars or even a callous on my email finger, but I have had a busy pro-life schedule.

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