I'm sure if Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be doing classic guitar solos on YouTube.
- Peter Capaldi
If a picture's worth a thousand words… Video is the language of this and generations to come. An ever increasing and incredibly important medium, particularly for billions with decreasing attention spans.
With even modern Christianity behind the curve, video's promoting authentic Biblical values are in relatively short supply. Beyond chewing the meat and spitting out the bones, once in a while something wonderful catches your eye. Below are links to some of QC's favorites.
Click a link to some of our video fav's:
- Revival Hymn
- A Thousand Questions
- 23 Minutes In Hell
- Abortion vs. Adoption
- Worse Than War
- Wilkerson: Call To Anguish
- Journey To Transformation
- Transforming Revival
- Ben Stein And Richard Dawkins
- Heavens Declare God's Glory
- Flight
- Pro-Life Videos
More information
In the Red Dropdown Icon you'll find resources that we hope will both stimulate and facilitate your pursuit of and understanding of the God of the Bible. To get started simply place your cursor on a category of interest and see where it leads. You can also join the discussion in a variety of ways including posting comments to God Blogs as well as making comments or asking questions by email or text.
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