Persecution for Christians is not a possibility, it's a promise, it's not a maybe, it's a surely! Following Jesus can mean finding the trouble you've been looking for!
- Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
God's Hostage
Andrew Brunson is an American-Hungarian pastor and a teaching elder of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Brunson was arrested in Turkey, where he and his wife Norine had lived for 23 years. He served as a pastor of the Izmir Resurrection Church.
The circumstance of his 2 year incarceration and ordeal, presidential negotiations and release, made headlines across the world. A perilous journey of faith and doubt, hope and despair, superbly chronicled in his book, "God's Hostage."
Brunson's honest, in-depth and often unflattering account of his physical, spiritual and emotional states throughout the harrowing experience of imprisionment for Christian faithfulness is all but unique. Particularly given that such a seasoned soldier of Christ could be taken off guard by the relentless and outrageous onslaught against him. The testing of his faith poses a crucial question to modern Christianity, as well as Prophetic Christians residing in developed nations. How ready are we for the final exam?
Andrew Brunson is an American-Hungarian pastor and a teaching elder of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Brunson was arrested in Turkey, where he and his wife Norine had lived for 23 years. He served as a pastor of the Izmir Resurrection Church.
The circumstance of his 2 year incarceration and ordeal, presidential negotiations and release, made headlines across the world. A perilous journey of faith and doubt, hope and despair, superbly chronicled in his book, "God's Hostage."
Brunson's honest, in-depth and often unflattering account of his physical, spiritual and emotional states throughout the harrowing experience of imprisionment for Christian faithfulness is all but unique. Particularly given that such a seasoned soldier of Christ could be taken off guard by the relentless and outrageous onslaught against him. The testing of his faith poses a crucial question to modern Christianity, as well as Prophetic Christians residing in developed nations. How ready are we for the final exam?
Few modern testimonies carry such impending weight of importance as that of Pastor Andrew Brunson.
As U.S. citizens and Christian missionaries in 97% Muslim Turkey, for over two decades Andrew and Norine had long demonstrated single hearted Kingdom devotion against formable odds. Including founding a poor church in a transvestite red-light district because of budget constraints. All the mores so in the aftermath of the 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt against President Erdoğan. Previous risks included an attacker emptying a pistol at Andrew from close range before brandishing a shot gun to finish the job:
- Five and a half years earlier—on April Fool’s Day—I’d stepped outside the church during a prayer meeting. It was typically busy in the street, and I was talking with a member of the church. A few of the transvestites were leaning out of the windows above us, smiling and waving at passersby just like they always did. Suddenly, a man in a camouflage jacket caught our attention. He stood out for one simple reason. He was pointing a pistol at me from about twelve feet away. He was quiet but looked utterly determined, and his eyes were bright with rage. I froze. All I could focus on was the pistol that was trembling in his grip. Six shots rang out in quick succession. Then he dropped the gun, reached into a bag on the ground beside him and pulled out a shotgun. My brain finally started working. As he struggled to close the gun, I knew he could not miss with a shotgun. And if he went into the church after he got me… it could be a massacre. I rushed over to the gunman and wrapped my arms around him from behind in a bear hug. He was bigger than me, stronger too. I held on desperately. As we struggled, he pulled the trigger and the shotgun went off. The gunman started screaming, “You started a church and we will not permit this! We will bomb you. We will kill you. You will give an account.” - Excerpt from God's Hostage
Regarding Brunson's arrest, Wikipedia records the following brief summary:
- Brunson, who was applying for Turkish permanent residency, was imprisoned on October 7, 2016 as part of the purges that followed the failed 2016 coup attempt. His wife, Norine, was initially arrested alongside him, but was released after 13 days. For a time Brunson was held with 21 others in a cell that was made for eight prisoners. He reportedly lost over 50 pounds (20 kg) while he was in prison. He was moved to house arrest on July 25, 2018. The Turkish government primarily claimed that Brunson was a member of the Gülen movement, but also claimed that he worked with the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), and claimed that he was involved with American espionage, among other things. In addition, they claimed that he was interested in overthrowing the Turkish government and that he supposedly helped plan the coup, which he denied. Brunson was held for over a year without charges. Turkish prosecutors charged Brunson with involvement in the failed July 2016 coup attempt. Turkish media reported that Brunson had been accused of espionage and attempting to overthrow the government. He was originally charged with having links to FETÖ and PKK (both are considered terrorist organizations by the Turkish state).
Diplomatic maneuvers and economic sanctions, along with growing world wide attention, eventually expedited Pastor Brunson's case. He was convicted on October 12, 2018 by Turkey for aiding terrorism. After being sentenced to time served, he immediately returned to the United States.
Andrew's persecution, while extremely difficult, is hardly an isolated incident. Or particularly brutal in nature. According to one expert report, "100,000 Christians are violently killed annually because of some aspect of their faith." Even so, there may be more significance to Pastor Brunson's tribulation than is readily apparent.
Both general revelation (science), and special revelation (Scripture), strongly attest to the intricacies of God's plans and purposes. The Creator's use of infinitesimal particles of matter, combined with the interplay of fundamental forces, all so intricately designed and incredibly fine tuned, exemplify Divine craftsmanship. So too, the marvel and authority of Scripture testify of Heaven's penchant for layers or meaning and multitasking.
Like Job before him, Andrew's suffering undoubtedly had a myriad of reasons and benefits. Chief among them may be a clarion call for preparation to those of us far less accustomed to threats of persecution and devilish resistance regarding our faith. Given the Brunson's decades of front line missionary work, it's likely they had developed heightened levels of repentance and discipleship, sanctification and commitment. Surely the knew better than most Scripture's warning to expect fiery trials:
- "Yes, and those who decide to please Christ Jesus by living godly lives will suffer at the hands of those who hate him." 2 Timothy 3:12 TLB
- "Dear friends, don’t be surprised by the fiery troubles that are coming in order to test you. Don’t feel as though something strange is happening to you, but be happy as you share Christ’s sufferings. Then you will also be full of joy when he appears again in his glory." 1 Peter 4:12-13 NOG
- "BEING THROWN IN PRISON had been such a drastic, unexpected change—it simply hadn’t happened to any missionaries in Turkey, so I had never prepared myself. I couldn’t cope with the horde of questions plaguing my mind. And there was no one I could go to. Not to my cellmates who were Muslim and would not understand me at all—to them the idea that I would question God was inconceivable. Not to the God I loved, whom I addressed as Papa. He had turned me over to be savaged. Not even to Norine, whom I was desperate to see. I needed her to hear my terrible thoughts and to speak truth to me, to persuade me that I was wrong. But I could only talk to myself. Or to God—I had to keep talking to him . . . and WHY was he so silent? I yelled at him, not out loud but in my heart: I may as well talk to this wall! All I heard was silence. My tears blinded me. "Where are you when I most need you? You have wounded my heart. How can I ever recover?" I was having a faith meltdown." - Excerpt from God's Hostage
- "If God had decided to leave me here, or could not rescue me, then what hope did I have of ever getting out? I found myself plunged into the greatest crisis of faith and doubt that I had experienced in my life. I wasn’t angry at God. I wasn’t shouting at him like I had in December. I was stunned, I was dazed. I was broken—thoroughly broken. And I was back to thinking about the rope. Although I knew it would be a shameful defeat, and I knew it was not at all what God wanted for me, I couldn’t escape thoughts of suicide. Lying on my bed one day I whimpered in half-hearted defiance, "God, I don’t care about my reputation. And you can worry about your own. After all, you’re the one keeping me here in prison."" - Excerpt from God's Hostage
While more perceptive, even Prophetic Christians have yet to respond appropriately to the ubiquitous list of Satan inspired temptations and deceptions plaguing both modern society and Christianity. And this in the face of escalating global need, such as the current COVID-19 health and economic epidemic. Never have billions been forced into extended lockdown. Never has the global economy been in such disarray. Never have non essential businesses, including religious institutions, been ordered to close their doors. Never have Christian churches around the world been shuttered on Easter Sunday. Never has such a universal crises been so clearly defined. Nor the unique spiritual opportunity such suffering affords, so greatly ignored.
Sermons continue to be status quo and seeker friendly. Many minor on the topic of change, yet remain mired along traditional lines. Most justify previous positions, with little or no questioning regarding the problem of powerlessness made obvious by COVID-19.
Few if any churches, much less denominations, offer deep dives into such crucial topics as worldliness and entitlement, brokenness and repentance, sanctification and unanswered prayer. Passages like 2 Chronicles 7:14 are given lip service at best. James 4's Prayer of Anguish is ignored entirely.
There is little serous discussion of the glaring need for global renewal, revival and reformation. Not to mention prerequisite pre-revival repentance. In regards to healing the sick, or the importance of power evangelism and discipleship, there is no mention of our fall from grace. No church councils have been convened to address the matter. No team tasked to recover the gifts of the Spirit.
What could and should be our finest hour, is largely our darkest.
Sermon titles and subjects vary. Some more interesting than others. Yet nary a one based on the clearest text of all. "Behold I stand at the door and knock." Even as the specter of apocalyptic events appear to be looming on the horizon.
Makes one wonder how much louder Christ need knock.
At such a time as this, Andrew Benson may exemplify what could well be the most salient passage in all of Scripture for our largely lukewarm and misguided generation:
- "For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin first among God’s own children. And if even we who are Christians must be judged, what terrible fate awaits those who have never believed in the Lord? If the righteous are barely saved, what chance will the godless have? 1 Peter 4:17-18 TLB
Hundreds of millions of modern Christians object to being associated with "the godless." Yet sins of omission and commission abound within our ranks. Statistics and experience divulge all is not well. An honest appraisal of key components to Biblical and living faith, righteous character and lifestyle (or lack thereof) reveal a troubling trend. One tracked for decades by the Barna Group, the leading Christian polling agency. Statistically there is less and less difference between believers and our unbelieving counterparts in nearly every lifestyle indicator including the following: Prayerlessness and Biblical illiteracy, Worldliness and Entitlement, Promiscuity and Divorce, Pornography and Abortion, Greed and Gluttony, Alcohol and Drug use, etc.
Such damning evidence demonstrates a rapid and unprecedented decline in the nature and Spirit of Christ among modern Christians. Additional compelling evidence abounds, such as the deteriorating conditions of societies all over the globe resulting from a nearly wholesale downward spiral into deception and disobedience, unbelief and entitlement. Given Christians are called to be the salt and light of the world, such spoilage and darkness in and around us strongly suggests the modern church has lost much if not all of both.
An increasingly prevalent and concerning condition, not too surprising given the vast majority of Christians are not only prayerless (stopping to pray less than 5-10 minutes a day) but Biblically illiterate (unable to quote, much less rightly understand and apply even 5-10 verses in a row).
All of these factors are brought to bare regarding Scripture's critical question, "If the righteous are barely saved, what chance will the godless have?" Unfortunately, the inescapable answer is not much.
Might it be that a primary reason God allowed Andrew to suffer persecution and imprisonment, made notable worldwide by politics and presidents, was to communicate a singular truth? Here is where the bar is set. Andrew may be the very face and voice of the righteous being barely saved.
What then do those far less godly do?
Forewarned is forearmed. It's a blessing to know what's on the final exam. If and only if, one prepares appropriately. Beforehand. A principal constantly reinforced throughout Old and New Testaments. In regards to both enduring tribulation and even salvation:
- "So get yourselves together. Shape up! You’re a nation without a clue about what it wants. Do it before you’re blown away like leaves in a windstorm, Before God’s Judgment-anger sweeps down on you, Before God’s Judgment Day wrath descends with full force. Seek God, all you quietly disciplined people who live by God’s justice. Seek God’s right ways. Seek a quiet and disciplined life. Perhaps you’ll be hidden on the Day of God’s anger." Zephaniah 2:1-3 MSG
- "This is going to be trouble on a scale beyond what the world has ever seen, or will see again. If these days of trouble were left to run their course, nobody would make it. But on account of God’s chosen people, the trouble will be cut short… But I’ve given you fair warning." Matthew 24:21-22, 25 MSG
- "Knowing the correct password—saying ‘Master, Master,’ for instance—isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience—doing what my Father wills. I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, ‘Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.’ And do you know what I am going to say? ‘You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress me one bit. You’re out of here." Matthew 17:21-23 MSG
- "Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it." 2 Corinthians 13:5 MSG
GB highly recommends carefully listening to Pastor Brunson's VOM interviews as an overview, prior to reading or listening to his book, "God's Hostage: A True Story of Persecution, Imprisonment, and Perseverance." If at all possible, listen to the audible version read by Andrew for a more nuanced understanding of this costly and timely message.
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