God Blog

Approaching God One Thought

Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.
- E.Y. Harburg

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Thrice Music Videos

A well known hard hitting rock band of unusual depth and perception, the music of Thrice cuts a wide path. From 2002 their studio albums made the charts in the US and UK. Thrice's Alchemy Index Volumes 1-4 charted number 1 in the US Indie genre. Generous, Thrice donates a portion of it's proceeds from each of their sales to different charities.

Releases such as "Digging My Own Grave" and "Come All You Weary" are as haunting as they are well produced. "Stare At The Sun" captures the cry of a generation often alienated or even at issue with a God inwardly praying they're "due for a miracle, I'm waiting for a sign..."

Finally, brothers and sisters, keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable.

- Philippians 4:8 GW

The following are links to Thrice music videos you may find interesting and/or insightful:

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