God Blog

Approaching God One Thought At A Time

Abortion should be listed as a weapon of mass destruction against the voiceless.
- E. A. Bucchianeri

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Church Of Philadelphia

Millennia before advanced society declared war on the pre-born, God filled the Scripture with hundreds of pro-life verses. Heedless of warnings regarding the sanctity of human life, from the moment of conception, over a billion clinical abortions in a single generation has turned the womb into the most dangerous place on earth.

Such an unequaled death toll may qualify clinical abortion, not to mention the even greater specter of
contraceptive abortifacients, as the pinnacle sin of mankind. The question then becomes how is such unremitting slaughter affecting modern Christianity in regards to salvation and prayer, worship and communion. Not to mention God’s coming justice and judgment?

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

- 1 Peter 4:8 NIV

Few realize to what degree the history of
modern Christianity’s response, or lack thereof, to legalized abortion is a quantum study of sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Even among the tiny percentage of authentically pro-life Christians within rank and file Churchianity, there is great hesitancy to fully accept the Bible’s fiery warnings against all those participating in or indifferent to such a previously unthinkable act as legalized abortion.

This in spite of the fact the in Christ’s most in-depth teachings on
salvation, including the Good Samaritan and Rich Man and Lazarus, Sheep and the Goats and Rich Young Ruler, Jesus Himself repeatedly makes it abundantly clear that how we treat our neighbor is a, if not the cornerstone, of what we must do to be saved.

Reasons for such tragic and constant oversight are many. The following represent just a few:

1. The global sexual revolution has resulted in a world wide deluge of temptation and entitlement, immorality and sin.

2. Challenges to the reasonableness of faith in regards to the existence of God and Biblical authority are often inadequately met.

3. Interest in eternal concerns has been eclipsed by hundreds of instantly accessible video and entertainment options.

4. The pop doctrine of unconditional love has replaced living faith.

5. A variety of Christian sects have produced various Biblical interpretations and thus many versions of Christ.

6. Hundreds of millions of confessing Christians are Biblical illiterate, and untrained in recognizing the context and content, much less the meaning and emphasis of Scripture.

7. The vast majority of church attenders accept and promote only half the Gospel, or less.

8. Abortion’s legitimization at a time of unprecedented economic blessings, God’s momentary restraint may appear as acquiescence.

9. Worldliness and the pursuit of pleasure has largely supplanted serious Bible study and prayer, discipleship and social action.

10. Recently released as an all but silent killer on the stage of human history, abortion’s devilish impact on the church and societal institutions goes largely unrecognized and assessed.

11. Daily facing gross immorality and global atrocities is producing “outrage fatigue” often even among prophetic Christians.

12. Satanic deception at an all time high, the prevailing “wisdom from below” reinforced by “the spirit of the Antichrist” is tightening it’s subtle yet relentless grip on mankind.

13. The stage is being set for Revelation’s Great Tribulation.

The global holocaust of
more than a billion exceeds four times the entire planet’s population in Christ’s day. Yet, given the nature and relative secrecy of abortion, apathy and worse might be expected from the increasing percentage of secular society. What’s shocking is that after more than 40 years the issue largely remains off the radar of the vast majority of Christians, including church leadership.

More astonishing,
this phenomenon is often found in equal or even greater degree among persons and whole denominations priding themselves on sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. This in light of the fact that Bible repeatedly warns that what we do or fail to do in regards to least and needy among us we’ve done or failed to do to Christ.

While there is much more to be said regarding this deeply troubling scenario, let us examine a subtle yet perhaps profound pro-life Scripture found in the third chapter of the the
Book of Revelation. Interestingly, John the Apostle of love, was also given the greatest revelation of judgment and wrath. His extensive prophecy is a vital study for numerous reasons including it's distinction as being the only book of the Bible with Divine "quotation marks" encouraging readers to study it carefully. The opening chapter promises a blessing for all who read it, while the closing chapter warns of a curse against all who add or take away from it content and meaning.

Additionally, after 2,000 years, the stage is being set for Revelation's fulfillment of the most dire and wonderful prophecies in Scripture. Interpreting it's literal meanings, imagery and timelines may prove challenging. Nevertheless, the 60 Earth shaking events contained in it's pages can, with a bit of creativity, easily be identified and committed in to memory in a single afternoon.

Church That Loves The Womb

Another important aspect of the Book is it's opening description of
Jesus judging His seven churches. These real life 1st century churches also seem to represent different church ages as well as various types of 21st century denominations and/or Christian mindsets. Along with reading and memorization this crucial yet often overlooked and/or misinterpreted Bible book, a spread sheet is a great way to appreciate the nuance of these passages. Jesus, the God of Glory, is revealed differently to each church. Mankind’s Creator and Savior offers compliments, complaints, advice and rewards to all seven, with a couple of notable exceptions. The one warning they receiving in common is also telling. The resurrected and resplendent Christ, against the chest of which “the disciple whom Jesus loved” once securely reclined, is now so awe-ful in aspect that John fell as dead before Him. In turn, this same Jesus, to whom all things are laid bare declares to each of His seven churches: “I know your deeds."

Of particular note to the modern World are Christ’s messages to the final two churches, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Like a positive and negative image, these churches seem a snap shot of some of the best and worst traits of all seven. While there is much to say about each, let's begin with the literal meaning of the name Philadelphia. Strong’s Concordance renders the meaning of “Philadelphia” in this way:

  • Philadelpheia 5359. Filade/lfeia Philadelpheia; from 5361; Philadelphia, a city of Lydia:—Philadelphia(2). 5361. fila & delfov philadelphos; from 5384 and 80; loving one's brother:—brotherly(1). 5384. fi/lov philos; a prim. word; beloved, dear, friendly:—friend(12), friends(17). 80. a) delfo & v adelphos; from 1 (as a cop. pref.) and delfu & v delphus (womb); a brother: —believing husband(1), brethren(170), brethren*(13), brother(111), brother's(8), brothers(40).
Interestingly, while in common vernacular Philadelphia means “brotherly love” this usage appears to come from a paraphrased version of the literal translation: "love of the WOMB" since "brothers" originate from the same “womb.”

Christ’s message to the church that “loves the womb” is as follows:

  • “Write this to Philadelphia, to the Angel of the church. The Holy, the True—David’s key in his hand, opening doors no one can lock, locking doors no one can open—speaks: “I see what you’ve done. Now see what I’ve done. I’ve opened a door before you that no one can slam shut. You don’t have much strength, I know that; you used what you had to keep my Word. You didn’t deny me when times were rough. And watch as I take those who call themselves true believers but are nothing of the kind, pretenders whose true membership is in the club of Satan—watch as I strip off their pretensions and they’re forced to acknowledge it’s you that I’ve loved. Because you kept my Word in passionate patience, I’ll keep you safe in the time of testing that will be here soon, and all over the earth, every man, woman, and child put to the test. I’m on my way; I’ll be there soon. Keep a tight grip on what you have so no one distracts you and steals your crown. I’ll make each conqueror a pillar in the sanctuary of my God, a permanent position of honor. Then I’ll write names on you, the pillars: the Name of my God, the Name of God’s City—the new Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven—and my new Name. Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.” Revelation 3:7-13 MSG
Noteworthy items in this passage include the following:

1. Christ reveals Himself as having the Key of David to open and lock.

2. He declares He has opened a door of opportunity before them none can shut.

3. He confirms they have a little strength, have kept His word and not denied Him. This seems a good fit for the pro-life movement which is woefully under funded and unappreciated yet has kept His word to seek and save those most at risk and stand to defend His (name) image in even the pre-born.

4. He reveals eternity will separate those falsely claiming Godly sensitivity and and those who authentically “love the womb.”

5. Christ promises their patient endurance will be rewarded by keeping them from a global testing coming on the whole Earth. This is no small promise considering the rapidity with which the conditions necessary for Revelation’s woes appear to be coalescing.

6. He commands them to hold fast what they wave that they not loose their crown and additional rewards in heaven.

By comparison, John records Christ smoldering judgments against Laodicea in this way:

  • Write to Laodicea, to the Angel of the church. God’s Yes, the Faithful and Accurate Witness, the First of God’s creation, says: “I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking. You’re not cold, you’re not hot—far better to be either cold or hot! You’re stale. You’re stagnant. You make me want to vomit. You brag, ‘I’m rich, I’ve got it made, I need nothing from anyone,’ oblivious that in fact you’re a pitiful, blind beggar, threadbare and homeless. “Here’s what I want you to do: Buy your gold from me, gold that’s been through the refiner’s fire. Then you’ll be rich. Buy your clothes from me, clothes designed in Heaven. You’ve gone around half-naked long enough. And buy medicine for your eyes from me so you can see, really see. The people I love, I call to account—prod and correct and guide so that they’ll live at their best. Up on your feet, then! About face! Run after God! Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you. Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honor at the side of my Father. That’s my gift to the conquerors! Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.” Revelation 3:14-22 MSG
Why such a stinging rebuke by Jesus agains His own church? Why, given that impoverishment was a hallmark of 1st century believers is this seventh and final church so assured of it’s wealth and self sufficiency?

  • Might this passage be a warning echoing down through the millennia regarding the spiritual dangers of riches, dangers Jesus repeatedly emphasizes in His conversation with the Rich Young Ruler and Rich Man and Lazarus?

  • Further, might these verses be prophetic in the sense of recognizing that the last church age would take for granted and over indulge in unprecedented levels of wealth and ease afforded by God through the rise of technology?
Most versions render the final verses on Laodicea along these lines:

  • To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelation 3:21-22 NIV

Why would Jesus offer the worst of the seven churches the greatest reward ? Other of the seven churches face serious outside opposition, from the seat of Satan to persecution and even martyrdom! Laodicea biggest problem seems self deception, yet those victorious merit being ceremonially seated on the very throne of heaven? Two answers to this puzzle present themselves:

1. Self deception is far more difficult to overcome than one might think.

2. This last of the seven churches is a type of the final church age, thus Laodiceans will have to pass the final exam by surviving the Great Tribulation period. Note: This is yet another reason for Churchianity to immediately come to it’s senses, plunging itself honestly and accurately into every form of Christian discipline and sacrament. The Scripture, including such notables as Jesus, Paul and John clearly teach the Rapture takes place Mid-Tribulation after the Antichrist and Mark of the Beast is revealed.

Recorded for the benefit of Christendom throughout history,
Christ’s judgment of His churches has particular merit and meaning for global Christianity today. Never before has a church age been nearer the Great Tribulation period. Yet given epidemic levels of me-ism and disobedience, prayerlessness and Biblical illiteracy, modern Christianity represents the least prepared off all believers to suffer the rigors of such testing. Particularly troubling is Churchianity’s predilection for the presumptuously inaccurate “Pre-Tribulation Rapture.” Rather than study and teach the Mid-Tribulation Rapture timeline revealed by Jesus, Paul and John, it’s been necessary to concoct a previously unknown “secret rapture” to fit the modern heresy of unconditional love and acceptance in regards to salvation and sanctification, discipleship and eternal security.

Whether or not the name and/or comments of Jesus to the church of Philadelphia have anything to do with the
authentic pro-life movement, one thing is certain. Scripture is clear that no generation can hope to escape judgment in this life and eternity with the blood of over a billion Christs on their hands. Additionally, Jesus not only repeatedly personally identifies with the “least of these My brothers” but extends to children unique spiritual status and protection. Thankfully, Scripture strongly suggests the aborted are now safe in heaven. But what of those of us guilty of omission or commission in this regard?

  • They sacrificed their sons and daughters at the altars of demon gods. They slit the throats of their babies, murdered their infant girls and boys. They offered their babies to Canaan’s gods; the blood of their babies stained the land. Their way of life stank to high heaven; they lived like whores. And God was furious—a wildfire anger; he couldn’t stand even to look at his people. He turned them over to the heathen so that the people who hated them ruled them. Their enemies made life hard for them; they were tyrannized under that rule. Over and over God rescued them, but they never learned— until finally their sins destroyed them.” Psalm 106:36-43 MSG

  • They’ve turned their backs on me—won’t even look me in the face!—even though I took great pains to teach them how to live. They refused to listen, refused to be taught. Why, they even set up obscene god and goddess statues in the Temple built in my honor—an outrageous desecration! And then they went out and built shrines to the god Baal in the valley of Hinnom, where they burned their children in sacrifice to the god Molech—I can hardly conceive of such evil!—turning the whole country into one huge act of sin.” Jeremiah 32:33-35 MSG

  • If you fall to pieces in a crisis, there wasn’t much to you in the first place. Rescue the perishing; don’t hesitate to step in and help. If you say, “Hey, that’s none of my business,” will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know—Someone not impressed with weak excuses.” Proverbs 24:10-12 MSG
Just a few Old Testament verses make it plain that God has and will not only judge and even destroy those who participate in atrocities such as abortion but the apathetic as well. In fact, this may well be Satan’s primary strategy in regards to deceiving and overcoming much of the church. Might this also be a tragic example of failing to appreciate a salient warning from the protestant reformer Martin Luther?

  • “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Wherever the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that one point.”
QC is acutely aware that embracing and espousing narrow and exacting standards seems arrogant, if not totalitarian. Ironically, discerning and pin pointing insensitivity seems itself insensitive. Yet the Bible repeatedly reinforces the need for learning to rightly interpret Scripture as well as growing in the ability to correctly evaluate the quality of teaching and behavior inside and outside of the established church. The same Jesus who warned about misjudging to the point of condemnation also warned against failing to discern truth, a directive repeatedly reinforced by Paul and all New Testament authors.

Even so, a majority of believers consciously or not regard spiritual “nit picking” as unnecessarily divisive. All the more so given societal’s elevation of inclusivity as a primary virtue. Yet, like most truth, spiritual truth is not a matter of consensus. Though by nature hidden,
God’s word is designed to reveal it. While narrow, the road to heaven is not meant to be a solitary one as repeated reinforced by Scripture and exemplified in the Lord’s Prayer’s use of the plural phrase “our Father.” When studied and shared in love, unity in essentials (see Rule of Emphasis) still allows for great diversity and inclusivity regarding less vital points.

Given the manner and nature of human existence, spiritual truth while itself objective is primarily subjectively discerned. Even the objective teaching of Scripture must be subjectively interpreted and applied. Still, as previously mentioned, while there may be “many Christs” there can only be “one True” thus it greatly behooves us to do our due diligence in formulating and living out a Christian world view as close to that of the Bible’s as possible.

Another compelling argument against the pursuit of rightly interpreting the Bible’s exacting spiritual standards is sentimentality and familiarity. Most naturally hope and even
presume that those we know and love, not to mention we ourselves, are somewhat if not completely except from problematic and demanding passages of Scripture. Surely our faithful God, infinite in love and mercy, understands the human condition. After all, the Bible says that the once meek and mild Jesus is our “sympathetic and faithful High Priest” Won’t God go easy on our adult kids, sinning or not, who were just innocent babies a few years ago? What about sweet old grandmas and grandpas? And on it goes.

Often, even among clergy, this understandable line of reasoning leads to the conclusion that just about any standard of behavior is a kind of “crazy making” if not
procrustean in nature. So much so that to one degree or another, the above mindset has become part of the default belief system of Churchianity. Unfortunately, it bears little resemblance to Biblical doctrine. This is not to say that many of Scripture’s over 30,000 verses can’t be neatly plucked from their full context and emphasis to be used as convincing arguments that God’s love and mercy, kindness and faithfulness all but negate His justice and truth, holiness and judgment.

Tragic Examples

The following are all too common examples of the kind of insensitivity to abortion within Churchianity that continually eclipses the voice and leading, presence and power of the Holy Spirit:

1. Roe vs. Wade 25th Anniversary: I attended my first pro-life event on the Silver Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade in an upscale evangelic church hosting an all night prayer vigil. Announced previously in the local Sunday morning paper’s religious section, I called the church office the day of the event to confirm the exact time and place. The church secretary said the only event scheduled that evening was their traditional Wednesday night mid week service. When pressed she double checked and confirmed there was in fact a Right to Life prayer meeting scheduled at 9PM.

Driving into the parking lot I passed a news van exiting the premises and nearly all the facility’s lights out. With some effort I stumbled upon a handful of pro-life Christians in a tiny bungalow praying and keeping vigil before the Lord. In a county of over a million residents including 500 churches, 1,000 clergy and 250,000 church attending believers that night no more than 10 came and went. Only one of the hosting church’s membership joined the meeting and outside of myself and a fellow minister I brought along, not a single pastor.

It was at this meeting I was stunned to learn that globally a billion had been aborted. Having been a practicing charismatic for decades, I was mortified that such a slaughter had occurred on my watch while I was a clueless as my clergy colleagues and Christian friends.

Around midnight I thought to leave when it seemed the Lord spoke the following to my troubled mind and heart:
“Get comfortable because you’re not going anywhere. As the sin of Sodom caused me to come down from heaven, so too tonight on the 25th Anniversary of legalized abortion, I’m walking and marking the cities of America for future judgment. Not only because the outcry of abortion has reached heaven, but because there is no cry from My people.”
Obediently, I settled in to humbly pray and worship till sunrise. During this time I made the fateful mistake of asking God, “If we’ve aborted a billion in a single generation surely this issue must appear in Scripture? Show me.”

Show me He did. That night and nearly every day since.

Omnity began with the following well known reference with a Holy Ghost twist:

  • Let’s start with the passage about Rachel weeping for the innocent children murdered by Herod. Approximately 2,000 years before the slaughter of at most a couple thousand boys two years old and younger, Rachel was so sensitive to the My Spirit “she was heard in Ramah, Lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, Refusing to be comforted for her children, Because they are no more.” Yet here you are, 2,000 years after that event, nose deep in the innocent blood of a billion of the least of the “least of my brothers” and it’s not even really on your radar. By the way, Rachel didn’t have a single page of Scripture, the example of the prophets and apostles not to mention My Son. You and your fellow clergy and laity have the entire cannon of Scripture and the coming of Christ, two millennia of Christianity and unimaginable blessingsIf Rachel was sensitive to the Holy Spirit, what are you… Remember My warning, “to whom much is given much is required.”
Wrestling with Scripture and researching the issue, it was a year before I felt ready to become a abortion clinic sidewalk counselor. For the next couple of years over a hundred Saturdays I spent 3-4 hours warning and pleading with mothers to spare their children. Having 10 seconds to save a life, I and perhaps one or two others followed close to these girls and women often saying “If God gives you the gift of a baby don’t let anyone harm it.” Perhaps 1 out of 20 would listen. During this time I never saw a fellow minister. As for me, a couple years after that prayer meeting I became director of Right to Life in Fresno/Madera, averaging 70 hrs a week in service to the Gospel of Life.

2. Word from God: While dressing for the church we were attending on the heals of the afore mentioned 25th Roe vs. Wade Anniversary all night pro-life prayer meeting, I asked my wife if I should relate my experience. Being among the better charismatic denominations and churches, the pastor frequently set aside a few minutes for attenders to stand and share impressions from God. She firmly answered “no” citing our past history of underserved alienation and grief. Knowing Churchianity’s preference for positive, feel-good words from the Lord, I sadly agreed.

That very Sunday, for the first and only time in years, during worship the pastor’s wife approached me from behind and whispered “You have a word from the Lord for us. Be sure to give it.” As she slipped away I looked up silently murmuring, “Ha Ha, very funny. You know they don’t want
this word. Besides my wife will kill me.” At the end of that very service, also for the first and only time, the pastor called me by name out of the audience to come down to the alter for special prayer and anointing. As before I said nothing.

The following week, again for the first and only time, the pastor called explaining he’d just walked into his house and the Lord said, “Call Rob and tell him he’s a man of mercy.” At this point I suggested we have lunch, during which I carefully unpacked my pro-life prayer meeting’s experience of being blindsided by our corporate insensitivity to abortion and previous Sunday’s experience with his wife’s insistence that I had a word from the Lord.

Unsurprisingly, after listening politely, he decided that the church was not ready for such a word.

A few weeks later the pastor’s wife again approached during worship saying, “You still have that word from the Lord. You need to give it.” Giving her full marks for persistence I suggested we step outside. After inquiring if she had spoken to her husband, she explained they generally kept such things in confidence. Again I carefully shared my experience and conversation with her husband. As I did, tiny tears began welling up in her eyes as the corner of her lip quivered. But not in the way I had hoped. In anger she decried, “This word is
Not for Us. It may be for You, but it’s Not for Us.” To which I sadly but directly responded, “You and your husband have asked three times. If you’re not interested, stop asking me for it.”

Reminiscent of the Old Testament’s strange account leading to the death of wicked King Ahab, sometimes we haven’t the
eyes and ears, hearts and minds to discern a word from God. Even when attributing it to Him.

Such an ironic example is reminiscent of one of Scripture’s most comedically tragic passages detailing the quantum sensitivity - insensitivity of Israel’s most wicked King Ahab. After having his itching ears filled with prophetic nonsense, Judah’s King Jehoshaphat requested an audience with a prophet of the Lord before joining Ahab in war:

  • All the prophets chimed in, “Yes! Go for Ramoth Gilead! An easy victory! God’s gift to the king!” The messenger who went to get Micaiah said, “The prophets have all said Yes to the king. Make it unanimous—vote Yes!”  But Micaiah said, “As surely as God lives, what God says, I’ll say.” With Micaiah before him, the king asked him, “So Micaiah—do we attack Ramoth Gilead, or do we hold back?” “Go ahead,” he said. “An easy victory. God’s gift to the king.”  Not so fast,” said the king. “How many times have I made you promise under oath to tell me the truth and nothing but the truth?” “All right,” said Micaiah, “since you insist. I saw all of Israel scattered over the hills, sheep with no shepherd. Then God spoke: ‘These poor people  have no one to tell them what to do. Let them go home and do  the best they can for themselves.’” Then the king of Israel turned to Jehoshaphat, “See! What did I tell you? He never has a good word for me from God, only doom.” Micaiah kept on: “I’m not done yet; listen to God’s word: I saw God enthroned, and all the angel armies of heaven standing at attention ranged on his right and his left. And God said, ‘How can we seduce Ahab  into attacking Ramoth Gilead?’ Some said this, and some said that. Then a bold angel stepped out, stood before God, and said, ‘I’ll seduce him.’  ‘And how will you do it?’ said God. ‘Easy,’ said the angel,  ‘I’ll get all the prophets to lie.’ ‘That should do it,’ said God.  ‘On your way—seduce him!’ “And that’s what has happened. God filled the mouths of your puppet prophets with seductive lies. God has pronounced your doom.” Just then Zedekiah son of Kenaanah came up and punched Micaiah in the nose, saying, “Since when did the Spirit of God leave me and take up with you?” Micaiah said, “You’ll know soon enough; you’ll know it when you’re frantically and futilely looking for a place to hide.” The king of Israel had heard enough: “Get Micaiah out of here! Turn him over to Amon the city magistrate and to Joash the king’s son with this message, ‘King’s orders: Lock him up in jail; keep him on bread and water until I’m back in one piece.’” Micaiah said, “If you ever get back in one piece, I’m no prophet of God.” He added,“When it happens, O people, remember where you heard it!” 1 Kings 22:12-28 The MSG
Here we find Jezebel’s worldly husband King Ahab sensitive enough to discern when the Lord’s prophet Micaiah is lying yet too bound by the original sin of entitlement to respond. Even after granted a possible reprieve through unique insight into the high court of eternity, rather than repent of his folly, he stubbornly marches himself and those trusting his leadership headlong into defeat and death.

Given our having turned the womb into the most dangerous place on earth by aborting of 4-5 times the planet’s population in Christ’s day, not to mention a
litany of sins that might make Jezebel blush, one wonders just how widespread such stubbornness may be?

Some might rightly wonder how relevant Old Testament examples of this or any issue are to
21st Century New Testament Christians. Thankfully, such concerns were thoroughly addressed millennia ago by the Holy Spirit through the pen of the Apostle Paul:

  • Remember our history, friends, and be warned. All our ancestors were led by the providential Cloud and taken miraculously through the Sea. They went through the waters, in a baptism like ours, as Moses led them from enslaving death to salvation life. They all ate and drank identical food and drink, meals provided daily by God. They drank from the Rock, God’s fountain for them that stayed with them wherever they were. And the Rock was Christ. But just experiencing God’s wonder and grace didn’t seem to mean much—most of them were defeated by temptation during the hard times in the desert, and God was not pleased. The same thing could happen to us. We must be on guard so that we never get caught up in wanting our own way as they did. And we must not turn our religion into a circus as they did—“First the people partied, then they threw a dance.” We must not be sexually promiscuous—they paid for that, remember, with 23,000 deaths in one day! We must never try to get Christ to serve us instead of us serving him; they tried it, and God launched an epidemic of poisonous snakes. We must be careful not to stir up discontent; discontent destroyed them. These are all warning markers—danger!—in our history books, written down so that we don’t repeat their mistakes. Our positions in the story are parallel—they at the beginning, we at the end—and we are just as capable of messing it up as they were. Don’t be so naive and self-confident. You’re not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else.” 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 MSG

Ananias and Sapphira

Observant students of Scripture appreciate the quantum nature of the interplay between Old and New Testaments. As St. Augustine observed, “The new is in the old concealed; the old in the new revealed.” Exemplifying this reciprocity, the New Testament continues warning against presumption, if not profanity; i.e. treating the holy as common.

For millions dismissing Old Testament warnings, the Book of Acts offers what may be an even more disturbing account. On the heals of the birth of the Church at Pentecost, incredible miracles primed the pump for equally unusual acts of generosity:

  • While they were praying, the place where they were meeting trembled and shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak God’s Word with fearless confidence. The whole congregation of believers was united as one—one heart, one mind! They didn’t even claim ownership of their own possessions. No one said, “That’s mine; you can’t have it.” They shared everything. The apostles gave powerful witness to the resurrection of the Master Jesus, and grace was on all of them. And so it turned out that not a person among them was needy. Those who owned fields or houses sold them and brought the price of the sale to the apostles and made an offering of it. The apostles then distributed it according to each person’s need. Joseph, called by the apostles “Barnabas” (which means “Son of Comfort”), a Levite born in Cyprus, sold a field that he owned, brought the money, and made an offering of it to the apostles.” Acts 4:31-37 The Message

Immediately proceeding Barnabas’ gift, Ananias and Sapphire seemed to follow suit until deception was revealed. Compared against many Biblical sins,
a somewhat benign falsehood summarily judged without any offer of mercy:

  • But a man named Ananias—his wife, Sapphira, conniving in this with him—sold a piece of land, secretly kept part of the price for himself, and then brought the rest to the apostles and made an offering of it. Peter said, “Ananias, how did Satan get you to lie to the Holy Spirit and secretly keep back part of the price of the field? Before you sold it, it was all yours, and after you sold it, the money was yours to do with as you wished. So what got into you to pull a trick like this? You didn’t lie to men but to God. Ananias, when he heard those words, fell down dead. That put the fear of God into everyone who heard of it. The younger men went right to work and wrapped him up, then carried him out and buried him. Not more than three hours later, his wife, knowing nothing of what had happened, came in. Peter said, “Tell me, were you given this price for your field?” “Yes,” she said, “that price.” Peter responded, “What’s going on here that you connived to conspire against the Spirit of the Master? The men who buried your husband are at the door, and you’re next.” No sooner were the words out of his mouth than she also fell down, dead. When the young men returned they found her body. They carried her out and buried her beside her husband.” Acts 5:1-10 The Message - Emphasis QC’s

This passage is problematic on a variety of levels. First is the instantaneous death blow dealt to Ananias by the Holy Spirit, against Whom Ananias and Sapphira sinned. Second is the follow up slaying of Sapphire,
without any attempt to mitigate or intervene. Third is the precedent such a New Testament account sets, and it’s possible ramifications for Churchianity.

The shocking nature of this story may best be illustrated by how differently
contemporary Christianity might handle the same scenario. Having served as a charismatic pastor and familiar with clergy of various denominations, a modern day rendition of this event would clearly unfold far differently. First, were today’s leaders spiritually sensitive enough to discern and concern themselves with Ananias' duplicity, the conversation would certainly follow along more merciful lines: “Ananias, I sense that you may have actually sold the land for more than you’re saying. If so, I want you to know that your generosity is greatly needed and appreciated. I’d also like to assure you that over reporting is completely unnecessary. The fact that you feel the need to do so suggests underlying issues of low self esteem. I’d like to set up an appointment for you and Sapphira to meet with a Christian counselor to work through any self worth issues you may be suffering from. Before I do, let’s take a moment to confess this mistake and ask the Lord’s forgiveness, confident that ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ Afterward let’s take a few minutes and pray through some great verses describing God’s unconditional loving acceptance for you and your family. As well as His wonderful future plans for your lives and ministry!”

Far from heresy or hyperbole, the above re-write is exactly the kind of response one would and should expect from modern Christian leadership. Clergy or otherwise. The question is why such a horrific disconnect between 1st and 21st century style and outcome? Those expert in artful doctrinal apologetics, not to be confused with authentic Biblical exegesis, might suggest we enjoy a dispensation of grace the likes of which Ananias and Sapphira were not privy. Other’s maintain that in such cases the power and demonstration of the Spirit, so prevalent in the apostolic age, demanded greater obedience.

Yet, what if just the opposite of these lines of reasoning proves closer to the truth? Based on a myriad of passages, not the least of which being Christ’s already referenced warning,
“Much is required from those to whom much is given, for their responsibility is greater” it may be we, rather than the infant church of the Book of Acts, who are actually accountable to greater scrutiny. If not condemnation. A reasonable case can be made that hundreds of millions of well meaning Christians each week repeat a from of Ananias and Sapphira’s costly error by declaring their complete devotion to God, while holding back a substantial portion of their hearts, minds and wills.

Entangled in
worldly habits and besetting sins, we sing and speak as if enjoying unfettered relationship with God. Done well, this produces feelings of warmth and fellowship, to the point of at least temporarily convincing ourselves. Yet all the while, hundreds of millions of believers remain all but prayerless and Biblically illiterate, worldly and disinterested in the vital interests of the Kingdom of God.

As with all Biblical interpretation, much depends on subjective elements of the interpreter’s “Christian world view.” Liberals and/or higher critics disregard most, if not all mention of miracles entirely. On the other end of the spectrum conservative Catholics and Protestants, including evangelicals and charismatics, often feel so confident in grossly misunderstood doctrines such as
unconditional love and/or eternal security as to preach nearly everyone into heaven.

While there are many opinions there is only one truth. Here as elsewhere, the rule of
emphasis is an essential in making an honest and educated guess in keeping with the tenor of Scripture. According to the text, the simplest explanation is that the Holy Spirit killed Ananias and then Sapphira on the grounds of their unified lie regarding the sales price of a field and the corresponding percentage of their gift to the poor among the early church. Furthermore, since God generally blesses rather than kills those pleasing Him, it’s reasonable to assume the duplicitous husband and wife are in hell rather than heaven.

Unfortunately, such a straight forward interpretation is as shocking as the account itself. Some of the more controversial elements include:

Within the church a relatively minor sin is met with God’s holiness and wrath rather than mercy and love.

2. Instantaneously the death sentence is pronounced and executed without an invitation for confession or forgiveness.

3. Having presided over the death of Ananias, Peter asks Sapphira leading questions more in keeping with entrapment than exoneration.

4. Such an interpretation injects a
judicial and even deadly precedent into Christianity, anathema to the teaching and lifestyles embraced by modern Churchianity
As compassion might seem to dictate, many feel the need to tweak the obvious progression of events and/or their logical outcome. Even among Biblical literalists, some believe that having been confronted by Peter the pair died of “repentance shock” and thusly are enjoying the pleasures of
glory. Sadly, both Paul, the apostle of grace and John, the apostle of love strongly suggests otherwise:

  • Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 NIV

  • Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.” Revelation 22:14-15 NIV (Note: Some believe the Greek word pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, "administer drugs" or pharmaceuticals) rendered “sorcery” linked with “immorality” and “murder” in the above passage and elsewhere may include lethal forms of contraceptive abortifacients.)
Interestingly, if this same scenario took place today and in the unlikely event a member of the clergy had the sensitivity to the Spirit to discern the falsehood, the conversation might go something more like this: “Ananias, I’m sensing that you actually sold the field for a little more than you’re saying. If that’s right I want you to know there’s no reason to lie about the amount of your generous gift. After all, you don’t owe this money to us or anyone. Thankfully, you and all believers have the righteousness and forgiveness of Christ. Let’s take a moment and confess your mistake and then we can discuss how best to use your offering. Then let’s refer you to a good Christian counselor who can help work through any self esteem issues you may be having.”

The above re-write, which by the way is exactly what I or any ministerial colleague I know would do, is in fact both
compassionate towards the couple and sensitive to the Gospel’s message of forgiveness and restoration. And yet nothing could be farther from the actual account, which is unquestionably included in Scripture as an example of and warning against spiritual insensitivity. The question then becomes, which Christian world view arises from genuine sensitivity to the Holy Spirit? Ours or theirs?

Today, with at least
seven different gospels, not to mention dozens of Christian sects, modern Christianity is presenting many Christs when there is only One. And even among those who’s doctrine and lifestyles match some or most of Scripture, might such blatant omissions exists as to leaving us with half the full Gospel or less?

Those dismissing the difficult task of growth in spiritual discernment do well to remember that the Bible repeatedly warns of the eternal dangers of doing so. Consider the terrible parable of the
Ten Virgins not to mention Jesus’s dire prophecy concerning those mistaking presumption for saving faith:

  • “Knowing the correct password—saying ‘Master, Master,’ for instance—isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience—doing what my Father wills. I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, ‘Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.’ And do you know what I am going to say? ‘You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress me one bit. You’re out of here.’” Matthew 7:21-23 MSG
Ultimately, each of Jesus’ judgments for and against His seven churches in the Book of Revelation boils down to instruction regarding the importance of growing in sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. A fact demonstrated throughout the narrative and summed up by His final instruction to each Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

In the end it doesn’t take great men of God like the patriarchs and
prophets, apostles and reformers to understand either the Bible or the times and the seasons in which we live. What is needed is prophetic Christians possessed of deep and abiding repentance, laboring for revival in the hope and fear of God. Understanding both "the love and terror of the Lord" such rare men and women endeavor to "persuade men" to choose eternal life rather than death in every aspect of life including immorality and abortion.

What is clear is time is running out for each of us individually and humanity itself. Yet, even in the light of such a heinous sin as abortion, perhaps there is still hope that while for over forty years Churchianity has largely ignored this issue we might yet come to our senses and become the authentic Church. Let us soften our hard hearts and truly repent, becoming the salt and light so desperately necessary at this time of need.

Author’s Note

By all indications, upcoming years and decades are likely to present ever more challenging spiritual and social, financial and physical situations for ourselves and families, friends and neighbors. Making matters worse, the state of current research and ministry strongly suggest that all aspects of today's anemic and all but powerless Churchianity are too subjective to successfully compete against the concrete demands and ubiquitous distractions, inflamed desires and mass deceptions presented by modern life.

Among the means at our disposal to combat such circumstances is the concept of moving beyond "praying for" into the realm of "pressing in" with the quantum hope of "praying through." This is particularly true for authentic Pro-Life prayer meetings.

While individually Christians have over the years attempted as much, clearly our individual and even collective efforts have fallen far short. I myself have attended and/or led over 1,000 corporate prayer meetings and have yet to see Bethesda's waters significantly stirred, much less the promised and desperately needed "rivers of living water" or even "fountains springing up into eternal life."

Ruthlessly honest appraisal suggests that seeing our family and friends, fellow colleagues and Christians so often taken captive by this or that, the "strong man" among us must be bound to have been so personally and collectively plundered.

My sincere prayer is that none of the above is even remotely true. Would to God that the tenants of modern Christianity prove largely correct. May everything be going to heaven rather than "hell in a hand basket.” Yet, should the preponderance of Scripture and evidence suggest the remotest possibility that the foregoing is even close to the truth, responding with regular and revitalized corporate prayer seems the least we can do. I don't mean what passes for prayer today, but rather something far more desperate, perhaps along the model of Azusa street?

An Acrostic of Change Today there are many opportunities for individuals, churches and organizations to have an impact on people within their communities.

For some
great simple pro-life ideas just click the link below: Change

For an overview of being authentically pro-life click the link below. For an
in depth report on serious church and denominational objectives and strategies to enable the church to have a comprehensive pro-life, pro-family and pro-mission strategy click the link below: Authentically Pro-Life Objectives

UPDATE: Roe vs. Wade Overturned

To the joy of countless millions, on Friday 6/24/22 the landmark decision Hobbs vs. Jackson by the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe vs. Wade. Thus auspiciously ending 40 years of national tyranny against 60 million pre-born.

Or at lease throwing the decision to allow mothers to continue conspiring with physicians to murder the offspring within their wombs back to America's 50 individual states...

While I now live in North East Texas, years ago I spent nearly 100 Saturdays at Central California clinics warning and imploring up to twenty girls a day to spare their babies. Via public parking constraints, forced to pass near I implored, “If God gives you the gift of a child don’t let anyone harm it.”

Often alone, sometimes there would be nearly a handful of us. On a good day, one or two mothers would listen and change their minds.

On many other occasions none at all.

As in Christ's end time parable of the
Sheep and Goats, there I discovered Jesus in His smallest and most innocent form. Totally dependent for “food” and “drink,” “naked” and “in prison” in the very womb of His mother. There I watched as He was repeatedly carried, “Like a lamb to the slaughter,” into a medical clinic. A most solemn and sorrowful scenario with grave spiritual ramifications.

One repeated in Fresno alone over 50,000 times.

In over two years I don’t recall a single member of the clergy or even lay leader joining us. Though I understand the odds may have somewhat improved through the influence of 40 Days For Life.

Only a fraction of fraction of a percent of ordained ministers have served as a director of a leading pro-life organization. Far less still have had the honor and responsibility to act as a leading liaison to over a thousand churches in state wide pro-life political initiatives.

With well over thirty years in
strategic Christian service, including more than a decade of pastoral ministry and pro-life activism, the author is privileged to belong to a select fraternity. This and other articles and books represent a culmination of this experience. Using such depth perception, this commentary is intended to introduce the true nature of the challenge presented by abortion. Particularly to modern Christianity.

During California’s 2005 Prop. 73 Parent’s Right To Know initiative I produced the pro-life political DVD entitled “Protect Me…Please” to be shown in hundreds, if not thousands of churches, prior to or on election Sunday. Groundbreaking, the 3 minute video featuring post abortive laments of teenage girls, made the front page of both the LA Times and San Francisco Chronicle. Prop. 73 failed by a narrow margin.

During the subsequent Prop. 85 initiative I achieved another milestone. For the first time, four leading Protestant state denominations, the
Southern Baptists, Assemblies of God, Calvary Chapel and Foursquare, officially endorsed a political initiative. Again Parent’s Right to Know (PRK) was defeated.

Our third attempt in 2008 with Prop 4. affectionately dubbed “Sarah’s Law” failed as well. More than
political, my involvement was spiritually motivated. After having spoken to thousands of Christians across denominational lines, it was clear that far less than 1% of either clergy or laity had the vaguest notion of the scale of abortion’s true threat to either the pre-born or the Church.

As a topical Biblical commentary, Quantum Christianity was designed in recognition of the need to examine and handle truth carefully and honestly. Scriptural and otherwise. The nationalized legalization of clinical abortion, and its apparent overruling, presents a perfect case in point.

A faithful handling of the Old and New Testament requires would be students and adherents to develop
spiritual discernment on a variety of subjects crucial to Biblical Christianity. The lack of which has produced hundreds of differing denominations espousing various Christs and versions of the gospel. Tragically, many of the hopeful insights inherent in Christ's command to "Judge with righteous judgment" continue to go largely unrealized within modern Christianity.

Such is certainly the case when considering the American church's 40 year track record in regards to an appropriate response to abortion. Or more accurately, the lack thereof. Both clinically and

Bear in mind that church attending Christians could have ended abortion in a single day, 365 days a year, for nearly 40 years, by simply sending 1% of our congregations to have family friendly picnics in front of every abortion
clinic in America. With thousands peacefully blocking entrances, even should there be numerous arrests, the sheer numbers involved would shut down all abortuaries in a single day. With 99% more now authentically pro-life Christians waiting for a chance to join cause.

Yet nothing could be further from the case. Then or now.

Nor have we seriously addressed the widespread use of
abortifacient contraception throughout Christendom. A topic that many, if not most, churches and even pro-life organizations know or speak little about. Most often chemical in nature, early term abortions are a result of various forms of birth control and other devices. Abortions of this kind happen before the mother is aware of her pregnancy. The exact numbers are unknown. Some estimates suggest the daily total of these types of abortions may be surprising large. In the U.S. alone perhaps between 834,000 to over 4,000,000 per year (Dr. Bobmir Kuhar, Infant Homicides Through Contraceptives Pg 27.) Lower estimates range around 100,000 to over 1,500,000 annually (Randy Alcorn: Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? How Often Does the Pill Cause Abortions?)

Thus the compelling need to rethink Jesus' directive to "Judge with righteous judgment" should be abundantly evident.

But is it? Throughout the
Hobbs vs. Jackson decision by the Supreme Court celebratory posts and podcasts, sermons and ceremonies, is there any awareness of the reality of the seriousness our situation? Or brokenhearted repentance in light of the depth of our failures?

Are any of today's joyful messages cognizant of the Bible's repeated warning that God is not mocked.

  • Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap. Galatians 6:7 AMP

  • For they sow the wind [in evil] And they reap the whirlwind [in disaster]. Hosea 8:7 AMP
Is our revelry tempered with the sobering fact that while abortion is currently the pinnacle sin of mankind, it's only the tip of the iceberg? One floating in a WaterWorld of immorality unleashed by the continual and increasing tsunami of the 60's sexual revolution redefining and/or eliminating traditional marriage and family.

devilish sociopolitical engineering undoubtedly ushered in such modern woes as career felon George Floyd's sainthood and efforts to undermine criminal justice. Antifa and BLM riots and violence. CRT and orchestrated racial tensions. C19's plandemic and goal overreach. Medical interference and harmful vaccines. Woke agenda and transgenderism. Biden's malevolent war on Ukraine and America's economy. All part of the Great Reset.

And these are just the highlights. All coordinated and choreographed by the clearly visible and menacing Iron Triangle of liberal global politics, media and corporations.

Yet even now,
modern Christianity, up to and including the vast majority of Prophetic Christians, refuses to discern the clearly repeated handwriting on the wall. And having done so, to enter the crucible of James 4's Prayer of Anguish in hopes of James 5's reconciliation to, and empowerment by, God.

Particularly the Person of the
Holy Spirit, Whom we continue to annoy and grieve, if not profane and blaspheme.

Instead, across America,
Laodicea is masquerading as Philadelphia. Lauding the Supreme Court for Hobbs vs. Jackson while the highest court in the land continues to sidestep or support all the devastating atrocities mentioned above. Many of which modern Christianity has yet to Scripturally repent of, up to and including sins of clinical and/or contraceptive abortion. In regards to commission and/or omission.

Mankind’s current pinnacle sin of abortion is spiritually quantum in a variety of ways. For example, it’s hardly just like any other sin. Even so, as with any other sin, it does require the event and process of genuine repentance. Like faith itself, honest and heartfelt repentance encompasses our entire mind, heart and will. As required by 2 Chronicles 7:14’s perfect formula for repentance.

The New Testament reiterates this principle in multiple ways. Putting the
penance in repentance, Scripture reinforces the need for a change of both attitude and action as exemplified in the old adage, “When is a thief not a thief?” The Bible’s answer is not when someone merely confesses. In and of itself a rarity these days. Not even when a thief stops stealing. That’s just an out of work thief. But rather:

  • If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need.” Ephesians 4:28 New Living Translation

Herein lies one of several grave errors in
modern Christianity’s understanding of Biblical repentance. All too often members are bid to simply believe in the cross of Christ, with little or no discussion of practical aspects of repentance and/or restitution. Much less of His command we daily shoulder our own. As Jesus’ brother James warned in regards to living and dead faith:

  • “Do I hear you professing to believe in the one and only God, but then observe you complacently sitting back as if you had done something wonderful? That’s just great. Demons do that, but what good does it do them? Use your heads! Do you suppose for a minute that you can cut faith and works in two and not end up with a corpse on your hands?” James 2:19-20 The Message

Reflecting Scripture's overarching
context of conflict theology, a military analogy perfectly exemplifies the Bible's emphasis on the crucial 3 step process of genuine repentance:

  1. Halt: “If you are a thief, quit stealing.”

  1. About Face: “Instead, use your hands for good hard work…”

  1. March: “and then give generously to others in need.”
Before continuing to celebrate exchanging presumption for faith, in message and music, perhaps some soul serious searching would be in order. The Roe vs. Wade debacle would be a good place to start...

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